Django: Web Development with Python
eBook - ePub

Django: Web Development with Python

Samuel Dauzon, Aidas Bendoraitis, Arun Ravindran

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  1. 717 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Django: Web Development with Python

Samuel Dauzon, Aidas Bendoraitis, Arun Ravindran

DĂ©tails du livre
Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

From an idea to a prototype – a complete guide for web development with the Django framework

About This Book

  • Explore the best practices to develop applications of a superior quality with Django framework
  • Unravel the common problems of web development in Django
  • This course teaches you major Django functions and will help you improve your skills by developing models, forms, views, and templates
  • Experience the challenges of working on an end-to-end social network project

Who This Book Is For

Web developers who want to use modern Python-based web frameworks like Django to build powerful web applications. The course is mostly self-contained and introduces web development with Python to a reader who is familiar with web development concepts and can help him become an expert in this trade. It's intended for all levels of web developers, both students and practitioners from novice to experts.

What You Will Learn

  • Use Django models to store information in the database and generate queries to access a database across models
  • Quickly develop web pages to create, read, update, and delete data from the model using class-based views
  • Generate very maintainable forms with Django
  • Import data from local sources and external web services as well as exporting your data to third parties
  • Deep dive into various aspects of Django from models and views to testing and deployment
  • Familiarize yourself with the various nuances of web development such as browser attacks and databases

In Detail

Data science is hot right now, and the need for multitalented developers is greater than ever before. A basic grounding in building apps with a framework as minimalistic, powerful, and easy-to-learn as Django will be a useful skill to launch your career as an entrepreneur or web developer. Django is a web framework that was designed to strike a balance between rapid web development and high performance. This course will take you on a journey to become an efficient web developer thoroughly understanding the key concepts of Django framework. This learning path is divided into three modules. The course begins with basic concepts of the Django framework. The first module, Django Essentials, is like a practical guide, filled with many real-world examples to build highly effective Django web application. After getting familiar with core concepts of Django, it's time to practice your learning from the first module with the help of over 90 recipes available in this module. In the second module, Web Development with Django Cookbook, you'll learn varying complexities to help you create multilingual, responsive, and scalable websites with Django. By the end of this module, you will have a good understanding of the new features added to Django 1.8 and be an expert at web development processes.The next step is to discover the latest best practices and idioms in this rapidly evolving Django framework. This is what you'll be learning in our third module, Django Design Patterns and Best Practices. This module will teach you common design patterns to develop better Django code. By the end of the module, you will be able to leverage the Django framework to develop a fully functional web application with minimal effort.

Style and approach

This course includes all the resources that will help you jump into the web development field with Django and learn how to make scalable and robust web applications. The aim is to create a smooth learning path that will teach you how to get started with the powerful Django framework and perform various web development techniques in depth. Through this comprehensive course, you'll learn web development with Django from scratch to finish!

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Table des matiĂšres