Japan's Last Bid for Victory
eBook - ePub
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Japan's Last Bid for Victory

The Invasion of India, 1944

Robert Lyman

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  1. 304 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub
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Japan's Last Bid for Victory

The Invasion of India, 1944

Robert Lyman

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À propos de ce livre

Robert Lyman’s deep knowledge and understanding of the war in Burma, and the great battles at Kohima and Imphal in 1944, are well known. In this book he uses original documents, published works and personal accounts to weave together an enthralling account of some of the bitterest fighting of WWII. Not only does he use British sources for his research but he has also included material from the Naga tribes of north-east India, on whose land these battles were fought, and from Japanese accounts, including interviews with Japanese veterans of the fighting. Thus he has been able to produce what is arguably the most balanced history of the battles that were pivotal in ending the Japanese empire.

Fergal Keane, journalist and author of Road to Bones: The Siege of Kohima 1944 wrote to the author saying ‘What a triumph! I finished it last night. You have done a wonderful job. I only wish I’d read it before writing my own book!’ He goes on to say ‘Robert Lyman is one of the great writers about men and war and in this book he has succeeded in conveying the courage, genius and folly of an epic struggle. I cannot think of a writer engaged in the subject of the Second World War who can match Lyman for his integrity or the soundness of his judgments.’

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Pen and Sword

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