ISO 14001 Step by Step - A practical guide
eBook - ePub

ISO 14001 Step by Step - A practical guide

Second edition

Naeem Sadiq, Asif Hayat Khan

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  1. 110 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

ISO 14001 Step by Step - A practical guide

Second edition

Naeem Sadiq, Asif Hayat Khan

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À propos de ce livre

Take the first steps to ISO 14001 certification with this practical overview.

This book provides practical advice on how to achieve compliance with ISO 14001: 2015, the international standard for an EMS (environmental management system). With an EMS certified to ISO 14001, you can improve the efficiency of your business operations and fulfil compliance obligations, while reassuring your employees, clients and other stakeholders that you are monitoring your environmental impact.

This easy-to-follow guide takes a step-by-step approach, and provides many sample documents to help you understand how to record and monitor your organisation's EMS processes.

Ideal for compliance managers, IT and general managers, environmental officers, auditors and trainers, this book will provide you with:

  • The confidence to plan and design an EMS. Detailed descriptions of the ISO 14001: 2015 requirements will give you a clear understanding of the standard, even if you lack specialist knowledge or previous experience;
  • Guidance to build stakeholder support for your EMS. Information on why it is important for an organisation to have an environmental policy, and a sample communications procedure will help you to raise awareness of the benefits of implementing an EMS; and
  • Advice on how to become an ISO 14001-certified organisation. The book takes a step-by-step approach to implementing an ISO 14001-compliant EMS.

Key features:

  • A concise summary of the ISO 14001: 2015 requirements and how you can meet them.
  • An overview of the documentation needed to achieve ISO 14001: 2015 accreditation.
  • Sample documents to help you understand how to record and monitor your organisation's environmental management processes.

New for the second edition:

  • Updated for ISO 14001: 2015, including terms, definitions and references;
  • Revised approach to take into account requirements to address "risks and opportunities".

Your practical guide to implementing an EMS that complies with ISO 14001: 2015 – buy this book today to get the help and guidance you need!

About the authors

Naeem Sadiq is a certified lead auditor and lead trainer for the ISO14001 standard. His work experience in engineering and management includes working as an independent consultant, auditor, and trainer for ISO14001 and ISO9001, as well as for the occupational health and safety standard OHSAS18001. Mr Sadiq has attended various conferences to give papers on standards for management systems, besides providing over 100 organisations with consultancy, training and auditing support. He holds a Masters degree in Manufacturing Engineering and writes regularly for the newspapers on environmental and social issues.

Asif Hayat Khan is a trained lead auditor and a trainer for ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001. In addition, he is a hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) auditor and has DuPont certification as a trainer in behavioural safety. In his various roles as consultant, auditor, trainer and manager, he has long experience of establishing and implementing the ISO9001 and ISO14001 standards across various sectors of industry. Mr Khan holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering.

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