Engineering Fundamentals
eBook - ePub

Engineering Fundamentals

Roger Timings

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  1. 414 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Engineering Fundamentals

Roger Timings

DĂ©tails du livre
Aperçu du livre
Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

Engineering Fundamentals is designed to meet the latest course requirements, and brings together the essential material from Roger Timings' previous engineering texts: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering, Fundamentals of Engineering, Basic Engineering Technology and General Engineering. A highly readable text is supported by numerous illustrations, learning objectives and exercises at the end of each chapter, making Engineering Fundamentals a complete student-focused course that is ideal for classroom, workshop and independent study.

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1 General health
and safety (engineering)

When you have read this chapter you should understand:
‱ The statutory requirements for general health and safety at work.
‱ Accident and first aid procedures.
‱ Fire precautions and procedures.
‱ Protective clothing and equipment.
‱ Correct manual lifting and carrying techniques.
‱ How to use lifting equipment.
‱ Safe working practices.

1.1 Health, safety and the law

1.1.1 Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act

It is essential to observe safe working practices not only to safeguard yourself, but also to safeguard the people with whom you work. The Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act provides a comprehensive and integrated system of law for dealing with the health, safety and welfare of workpeople and the general public as affected by industrial, commercial and associated activities.
The Act places the responsibility for safe working equally upon:
‱ the employer;
‱ the employee (that means you);
‱ the manufacturers and suppliers of materials, goods, equipment and machinery.

1.1.2 Health and Safety Commission

The Act provides for a full-time, independent chairman and between six and nine part-time commissioners. The commissioners are made up of three trade union members appointed by the TUC, three management members appointed by the CBI, two local authority members, and one independent member. The commission has taken over the responsibility previously held by various government departments for the control of most occupational health and safety matters. The commission is also responsible for the organization and functioning of the Health and Safety Executive.

1.1.3 Health and Safety Executive

The inspectors of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have very wide powers. Should an inspector find a contravention of one of the provisions of earlier Acts or Regulations still in force, or a contravention of the Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act, the inspector has three possible lines of action available.

Prohibition Notice

If there is a risk of serious personal injury, the inspector can issue a Prohibition Notice. This immediately stops the activity that is giving rise to the risk until the remedial action specified in the notice has been taken to the inspector's satisfaction. The prohibition notice can be served upon the person undertaking the dangerous activity, or it can be served upon the person in control of the activity at the time the notice is served.

Improvement Notice

If there is a legal contravention of any of the relevant statutory provisions, the inspector can issue an Improvement Notice. This notice requires the infringement to be remedied within a specified time. It can be served on any person on whom the responsibilities are placed. The latter person can be an employer, employee or a supplier of equipment or materials.


In addition to serving a Prohibition Notice or an Improvement Notice, the inspector can prosecute any person (including an employee – you) contravening a relevant statutory provision. Finally the inspector can seize, render harmless or destroy any substance or article which the inspector considers to be the cause of imminent danger or personal injury.
Thus every employee must be a fit and trained person capable of carrying out his or her assigned task properly and safely. Trainees must work under the supervision of a suitably trained, experienced worker or instructor. By law, every employee must:
‱ Obey all the safety rules and regulations of his or her place of employment.
‱ Understand and use, as instructed, the safety practices incorporated in particular activities or tasks.
‱ Not proceed with his or her task if any safety requirement is not thoroughly understood; guidance must be sought.
‱ Keep his or her working area tidy and maintain his or her tools in good condition.
‱ Draw the attention of his or her immediate supervisor or the safety officer to any potential hazard.
‱ Report all accidents or incidents (even if injury does not result from the incident) to the responsible person.
‱ Understand emergency procedures in the event of an accident or an alarm.
‱ Understand how to give the alarm in the event of an accident or an incident such as fire.
‱ Co-operate promptly with the senior person in charge in the event of an accident or an incident such as fire.
Therefore, safety, health and welfare are very personal matters for a young worker, such as yourself, who is just entering the engineering industry. This chapter sets out to identify the main hazards and suggests how they may be avoided. Factory life, and particularly engineering, is potentially dangerous and you must take a positive approach towards safety, health and welfare.

1.1.4 Further legislation and regulations concerning safety

In addition to the Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act, the following are examples of legislation and regulations that also control the conditions under which you work and the way in which you work (behaviour).
‱ Factories Act 1961
‱ Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977
‱ Notification of Accidents and General Occurrences Regulations 1980
‱ Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992
‱ Protection of Eyes Regulations 1974
‱ Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
‱ Low Voltage Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1989. This includes voltage ranges of 50 volts to 1000 volts (AC) and 75 volts to 1500 volts (DC)
‱ Abrasive Wheels Regulations 1970
‱ Noise at Work Regulations 1989
You are not expected to have a detailed knowledge of all this legislation, but you are expected to know of its existence, the main topic areas that it covers, and how it affects your working conditions, your responsibilities, and the way in which you work. There are many other laws and regulations that you will come across depending upon the branch of the engineering industry in which you work.

1.2 Employers’ responsibilities

All employers must, by law, maintain a safe place to work. To fulfil all the legal obligations imposed upon them, employers must ensure that:
‱ The workplace must be provided with a safe means of access and exit so that in the case of an emergency (such as fire) no one will be trapped. This is particularly important when the workplace is not at ground level. Pedestrian access and exits should be segregated from lorries delivering materials or collecting finished work. The premises must be kept in good repair. Worn floor coverings and stair treads are a major source of serious falls.
‱ All plant and equipment must be safe so that it complies with the Machinery Directive. It must be correctly installed and properly maintained. The plant and any associated cutters and tools must also be properly guarded.
‱ Working practices and systems are safe and that, where necessary, protective clothing is provided.
‱ A safe, healthy and comfortable working environment is provided, and that the temperature and humidity is maintained at the correct levels for the work being undertaken.
‱ There is an adequate supply of fresh air, and that fumes and dust are either eliminated altogether or are reduced to an acceptable and safe level.
‱ There is adequate and suitable natural and artificial lighting, particularly over stairways.
‱ There is adequate and convenient provision for washing and sanitation.
‱ There are adequate first aid facilities under the supervision of a qualified person. This can rang...

Table des matiĂšres