Cotter On Investing
eBook - ePub

Cotter On Investing

Taking the bull out of the markets: practical advice and tips from an experienced investor

John Cotter

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  1. 200 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Cotter On Investing

Taking the bull out of the markets: practical advice and tips from an experienced investor

John Cotter

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À propos de ce livre

This book discusses the key areas that every stock market investor should consider. Starting with the reason for buying shares in the first place it then goes on to consider a host of essential topics, including: ratios, dividends, diversification, directors' deals, technical analysis, ETFs, commodities, dealing techniques and much more. Cotter On Investing is your straightforward guide to the not always straightforward world of stock market investment.The markets can be a dangerous place and the risk involved can put people off the whole concept of stock investing. It shouldn't. Successful investors are those who manage risk and use mechanisms that reduce it to a level they are comfortable with. The stock market is potentially extremely rewarding in financial terms, but when the investor takes control of his or her own money it can also be fun, interesting and immensely satisfying.Throughout the book the author gives his own opinions not only on the different investment vehicles you can use but also on the ways in which you can improve your performance as a self-directed investor. With nearly 40 years of stock market experience, John Cotter is the ideal guide to help you make your investment decisions. Slicing through the jargon and with a solid, 'keep it simple' approach, this book is the ideal companion for anyone building and running their own share portfolio.

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Harriman House

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