Electromagnetics of Time Varying Complex Media
eBook - ePub

Electromagnetics of Time Varying Complex Media

Frequency and Polarization Transformer, Second Edition

Dikshitulu K. Kalluri

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  1. 556 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Electromagnetics of Time Varying Complex Media

Frequency and Polarization Transformer, Second Edition

Dikshitulu K. Kalluri

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À propos de ce livre

Completely revised and updated to reflect recent advances in the fields of materials science and electromagnetics, Electromagnetics of Time Varying Complex Media, Second Edition provides a comprehensive examination of current topics of interest in the research community—including theory, numerical simulation, application, and experimental work. Written by a world leader in the research of frequency transformation in a time-varying magnetoplasma medium, thenew edition ofthis bestsellingreference discusses how to apply a time-varying medium to design a frequency and polarization transformer.

This authoritative resource remains the only electromagnetic book to cover time-varying anisotropic media, Frequency and Polarization Transformer based on a switched magnetoplasma medium in a cavity, and FDTD numerical simulation for time-varying complex medium. Providing a primer on the theory of using magnetoplasmas for the coherent generation of tunable radiation, early chapters use a mathematical model with one kind of complexity—eliminating the need for high-level mathematics. Using plasma as the basic medium to illustrate various aspects of the transformation of an electromagnetic wave by a complex medium, the text highlights the major effects of each kind of complexity in the medium properties. This significantly expanded edition includes:

  • Three new parts: (a) Numerical Simulation: FDTD Solution, (b) Application: Frequency and Polarization Transformer, and (c) Experiments

  • A slightly enhanced version of the entire first edition, plus 70% new material

  • Reprints of papers previously published by the author—providing researchers with complete access to the subject

The text provides the understanding of research techniques useful in electro-optics, plasma science and engineering, microwave engineering, and solid state devices. This complete resource supplies an accessible treatment of the effect of time-varying parameters in conjunction with one or more additional kinds of complexities in the properties of particular mediums.

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CRC Press

Table des matiĂšres