Psycho-Criminological Perspective of Criminal Justice in Asia
eBook - ePub

Psycho-Criminological Perspective of Criminal Justice in Asia

Research and Practices in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Beyond

Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan, Samuel M.Y. Ho, Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan, Samuel M.Y. Ho

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  1. 298 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Psycho-Criminological Perspective of Criminal Justice in Asia

Research and Practices in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Beyond

Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan, Samuel M.Y. Ho, Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan, Samuel M.Y. Ho

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À propos de ce livre

This book offers both theoretical and practical examinations of the psycho-criminology of criminal justice in Asia, with particular emphasis on the Hong Kong and Singapore contexts. It is designed to present the current state of the field, which addresses key topics in three major sub-areas – policing and legal system, offender rehabilitation and treatment, and research and future directions. Written by academics with extensive research experience in their respective topics and senior ranking practitioners in their fields, topics include psychologists' involvement in different aspects of forensic investigation, police emotional reactions to major incidents, the application of psychological approaches in developing offender rehabilitation and treatment modules to address different offender's criminogenic needs, and legal issues related to the insanity defence, fitness to plead, the jury system, and the procedural justice and legitimacy. An important reference for post-graduate courses, this book will be of special interest to criminologists and psychologists working in forensic settings, mental health professionals, policy-makers, police personnel, prison officials, and legal executives.

Chapters include:

1. Youth gang offenders in Singapore

2. Offender rehabilitation: the Hong Kong Correctional Services Department

3. Juries as decision makers in East Asian judicial systems: Hong Kong, the Mainland China, South Korea, and Japan

4. The psychology of violent extremism: what we know and what else we need to do

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