The Journal of William Lockerby, Sandalwood Trader in the Fijian Islands during the Years 1808-1809
eBook - ePub

The Journal of William Lockerby, Sandalwood Trader in the Fijian Islands during the Years 1808-1809

With an Introduction and Other Papers connected with the Earliest European Visitors to the Islands

Leonard C. Wharton, Sir Everard Im Thurn, Sir Everard Im Thurn

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  1. 362 pages
  2. English
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eBook - ePub

The Journal of William Lockerby, Sandalwood Trader in the Fijian Islands during the Years 1808-1809

With an Introduction and Other Papers connected with the Earliest European Visitors to the Islands

Leonard C. Wharton, Sir Everard Im Thurn, Sir Everard Im Thurn

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À propos de ce livre

The additional documents include Samuel Patterson's account of the wreck of the Eliza, 1808, the journal of the missionaries from the Hibernia, 1809, Captain Richard Siddon's experiences in Fiji in 1809-15, and extracts from periodical publications, 1804-15. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1925.

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Hakluyt Society


“Active,” Capt. Richardson: in Fiji in 1811, xc–xci
Aikin, James, Capt. of “Marcia”: xlvii, 9 n. 2
to Fiji in 1804, 186
reports results and proposes second venture, xlix–lii
against Governor’s order, goes to Fiji by American vessel “Criterion,” and carries sandalwood to China, lii–liii
returns, on “Criterion,” to Port Jackson, liii
To Fiji, in command of “King George,” in 1807, lv, 18
Reports wreck of “Union” on Nairai Island, xlix, 189–190
Allardyce, K. J.: xli, cx
‘Ambau’ (’Ambow’), see Mbau
Amoy: Lockerby at, 76–77
Amsterdam and St Paul’s Islands: 5
‘Anamoie,’ see Nomuka Island
‘Anamuka,’ see Nomuka Island
‘Angana’ (’Anganga,’ ‘Angona’), see Yanyanga Island
‘angooner,’ see yangona
“Ann and Hope,” Capt. Christopher Bentley: off Fiji group in 1799, xxviii–xxxi, 149 n. 1
captain’s name Maitland, according to Krusen-stern, xxviii
Daniel Olney, Capt. of, in 1810, passage home on, refused to Patterson, 114
owned by Brown, Ives and Co., as was “Eliza,” 114
“Argo,” Capt. Berry: reached Port Jackson from Mauritius in 1798, xxxiii
alleged ‘profiteering’ on cargo of, ib.
sailed for China, ib.
owned by Robert Berry of Canton, xxxv, 186
left China for Port Jackson, ib.
wrecked on Mbuka-tatanoa (Argo) reef, Fiji, xxxii, 178 n. 1
date of wreck 1800, not 1806, xxxii, xxxiv, xlvi, 186 and n. 1
survivors from, reach Loa (islet off Oneata), xli
one buried at Oneata, xlii
others taken to Mbau, ib.
others reach Tongatabu, xxxvi
one, Oliver Slater, reached Mbau, xxxix
Wilkes as to wreck, xxxii
Admiralty Sailing Directions as to, xxxii
Waterhouse on, xxxii
Turnbull on, xxxv–xxxvii
Sydney Gazette on, xxxvi, 178 n. 1, 186 and n. 1
Argo Reef, see Mbukatatanoa
Arnold, Dr Joseph: biographical note on, 163–164
his paper in Gentleman’s Magazine, on Fiji Islands, 164–176
his note on passage of “Indefatigable “and “Campbell Macquarie” through Torres Straits in 1815, 164 and n. 1
Arrowsmith, Aaron : his chart of Pacific Ocean in 9 sheets, xviii
chart of Fiji Islands, xlvi, lv, lxiv, ciii, cv, 20 n. 2, 119, 136
inset of Mbua Bay, lv
“Arthur,” Snow, Capt. Barber: at Port Jackson from Bengal, xxiii
at Yasawa Islands (Fiji) in 179...

Table des matiĂšres