Research Methodology
eBook - ePub

Research Methodology

A Practical and Scientific Approach

Vinayak Bairagi, Mousami V. Munot, Vinayak Bairagi, Mousami V. Munot

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  1. 304 pages
  2. English
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eBook - ePub

Research Methodology

A Practical and Scientific Approach

Vinayak Bairagi, Mousami V. Munot, Vinayak Bairagi, Mousami V. Munot

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À propos de ce livre

This book offers a design research methodology intended to improve the quality of design research- its academic credibility, industrial significance and societal contribution by enabling more thorough, efficient and effective procedures.

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Introduction to Research

Geetanjali V. Kale and J. Jayanth
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Objectives of Research
1.3 Motivation behind Research
1.4 Important Ingredients for Research
1.4.1 Componential Theory of Individual Creativity
1.4.2 Workgroup Creativity
1.5 Types of Research
1.5.1 Basic Research
1.5.2 Applied Research
1.5.3 Descriptive Research
1.5.4 Analytical Research
1.5.5 Correlational Research
1.5.6 Qualitative Research
1.5.7 Quantitative Research
1.5.8 Experimental Research
1.5.9 Explanatory Research
1.5.10 Exploratory Research
1.6 Phases of Research/Research Process
1.6.1 Selection of Domain
1.6.2 Formulating a Research Problem (Tentative) and Identification of Keywords
1.6.3 Literature Review
1.6.4 Redefining Research Problem, Objectives (Final) and Outcomes/Formulating Hypothesis
1.6.5 Research Proposal
1.6.6 Identifying Variable/Parameters and Research Design
1.6.7 Data Collection and Representation
1.6.8 Testing of Proposed Design on Collected data/Hypothesis Testing
1.6.9 Results and Analysis
1.6.10 Research Report Writing
1.7 Research Methods versus Methodology
1.8 Features of a Good Research Study
1.9 Summary
Further Reading
Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.
—Wernher von Braun
Research is to see what everybody else has seen and think what nobody has thought.
—Albert Szent Gyorgyi
Learning objectives of this chapter include, to
  • Understand basic terminology and fundamental concepts in research
  • Comprehend basic flow of research process and formulate it for individual research
  • Select and write problem definition in domain of choice
  • Write research proposal for selected problem definition
  • Analyze types of research methods and apply appropriate methods for defined problem
  • Define research methodology for selected problems
This chapter will enable the researcher to:
  • Initiate and systematically continue research work in a procedural way
  • Define the research problem and propose the hypothesis
  • Propose a research methodology for selected problems
  • Select and apply appropriate research methods to research problems

1.1 Introduction

The word research is combination of “re” and “search,” which means a systematic investigation to gain new knowledge from already existing facts. In other words, research is a scientific understanding of existing knowledge and deriving new knowledge that may be applied for the betterment of mankind. It is basically search for truth. Research contributes significantly to the progress of the nation as well as an individual with commercial, social, and educational advantages. Research is an important parameter to judge the development of any nation. Research is an important component of private and government sectors. Nowadays, interdisciplinary research is at high demand.
Research should always aim at providing efficient solutions to routine problems. Researchers should carefully choose the appropriate research method and follow a research process by referring to existing theories. Research differs from a traditional way of education, that is, learning concepts and writing the examination or performing activity. According to Clifford Woody, “Research comprises of defining and redefining problems, formulating the hypothesis for suggested solutions, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, making deductions and reaching conclusion and further testing the conclusion whether they fit into formulating the hypothesis.”[1]
This chapter discusses the basics of research and will provide a bird’s-eye view of the research process for novice researchers.

1.2 Objectives of Research

The main purpose of research is to find solutions to unsolved problems using scientific procedures and also to understand various phenomena scientifically. In addition, one of the major objectives of research is to find out a hidden, undiscovered truth. There are various objectives behind undertaking research by individuals as well as various organizations. However, there are some identified purposes for each research work. Some general objectives behind research include:
  • Propose and test certain hypotheses that provide causal relationships between variables
  • Discover and establish the existence of relationship, association, and independence between two or more aspects of a situation or phenomenon. (Such studies are known as correlational studies)
  • Understand different phenomena and develop new perceptions about it
  • Study and describe accurately the characteristics of situations, problems, phenomena, services, groups, or individuals. (This type of study/research is known as descriptive research)
  • Explain unexplored horizons of knowledge
  • Test reported findings and conclusions on new data and novel conclusions on previously reported data
  • Study the frequency of research that is connected with unspecified study. (This type of study/research is known as diagnostic research)

1.3 Motivation behind Research

Research is a long process, so the main driving factor is motivation. For some researchers and post-graduate students, the main objective behind the research is to earn a degree. For organizations including defence and research laboratories, research is an important aspect. To philosophers and thinkers, research may mean the outlet for new ideas and insights, whereas to intellectual people research may mean the development of new styles and creative work. Irrespective of any domain, research demands passion.
Initially the research is a random walk (research scholar is not sure about topic/research problem), but one need to systematically continue to get the destination. Failure is an inevitable step in the research phase, for example, failure in getting results, publications, and so on. But the researcher’s passion and motivation helps in such situations.

1.4 Important Ingredients for Research

Creativity, good written and verbal communication skills and in-depth knowledge of the subject are essential for successful completion of research work. Figure 1.1 shows important ingredients of research. A researcher should have sound fundamental knowledge of the domain to be undertaken. A querying attitude is one of the important factors. Anything and everything is questionable; this questioning attitude is essence of research and invention.
Ingredients for a good researcher
A creative person does things that have never been done before. Prof. Robert Sternberg has listed some “must have” characteristics in order to be creative. These skills are a combination of synthetic intelligence and practical intelligence. Practical intelligence is the ability to adopt day-to-day requirements. Persistent, tenacious, uncompromising, and stubborn are some of the characteristics of creative people. One should always challenge conventional solutions to a problem. Velcro and Post-it Notes, for example, are outcomes of creative thinking.
Some examples of creativity include:
  • Apple iPhone, which convinced people for the value of replacing the keyboard with a touchpad, and touchscreen operations controlled by fingers as a replacement for a stylus. The invention of laptops, the Internet, supercomputers, and so on are some examples in the computer science and engineering domains
  • Newton’s law of motion and the universal law of gravity are some examples of creative inventions in physics
  • Composing beautiful music and creative writing are examples of creativity in art
  • Analyzing a situation in a different way is also creativity
  • Analyzing history with a different angle and solving and analyzing cases in law with different perspectives are also creativity
  • Putting philosophy differently is also creativity. For example, Charles Darwin’s theory of biological evolution by natural selection is contradiction to the previous biological theories. However, Darwin’s theory is base for many modern biological inventions
Creativity is a combination of generating ideas and validating it, including research, development, production, and marketing. Creativity is also considered to be a pre-innovation process; it is a prerequisite for scientific and technological innovation. Creativity is an inevitable component of any impressive action. Creativity is a quality that adds essence to the expected outcomes.
Important instances of creativity are to provide a novel work process through a valuable innovation. Scientific creativity is a source of innovation that is subdivided into four types, listed here:
  • Set a new idea for formulation, which opens up a new cognitive frame to a new level of basic assumptions
  • A new empirical formula should be discovered, which stimulates a new theory (for example, Darwin’s theory of evolution)
  • A new methodology should be developed to solve a theoretical problem that can be tested empirically
  • A novel technique/instrument should be designed, which can propose a new technique with new possibilities
Creativity is observed at individual as well as group level. Detailing is given in subsequent section.

1.4.1 Componential Theory of Individual Creativity

The componential theory of individual creativity has three essential components of individual creativity:
  • Expertise
  • Creative thinking skills
  • Intrinsic task motivation
Expertise comprises actually occurring knowledge, which consists of technical expertise with a special skill that can be rooted to distinct personality in the working group. Creative-thinking skill is “working with an unknown data with a greater extent than usual,” found in people who work with an original idea to emphasize that there should be a separation between generating ideas and validating those ideas. Intrinsic motivation determines what a researcher should actually do and is influenced by environmental factors.
Creative process can be determined in a sequential way depending on preparation, incubation, illumination and verification. Incubation is a period during which a problem is banned from conscious thought, and solutions are generated in an unconscious way. Triggering subconscious thinking during the incubation period is an effective approach of grooming creativity. Verification is a stage where the work is been tested for the validity of novelty and usefulness of the idea.

1.4.2 Workgroup Creativity

Research and development mainly generates scientific and technological information, which transforms the work into novel ideas and products through a process. Creativity in a group includes working in a laboratory with respect to organisational settings, which helps most scientific and artistic innovation through joint conversations as well as thinking that emphasizes the importance of the social dimension of creativity.
Knowledge is another very important ingredient. After getting an idea, one has to decide on the design and implementation. To improve on communication skills a researcher can take courses and listen to talks given by inventors and other researchers to understand how they communicate their ideas. Oral and written communication is integr...

Table des matiĂšres