Environmental Management:
eBook - ePub

Environmental Management:

Revision Guide for the IEMA Associate Membership Exam and NEBOSH Diploma in Environmental Management

Adrian Belcham

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  1. 206 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Environmental Management:

Revision Guide for the IEMA Associate Membership Exam and NEBOSH Diploma in Environmental Management

Adrian Belcham

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À propos de ce livre

Written by Adrian Belcham, author of Manual of Environmental Management, this is the essential guide to prepare you for the IEMA Associate Membership Exam and NEBOSH Diploma in Environmental Management.

Through the inclusion of revision tips, exam guidance and self-test questions, this guide will consolidate your understanding of environmental management and help you to prepare for your exam. It provides full coverage for both the IEMA and NEBOSH exams and includes coloured sections to help you to identify the content relevant for each qualification.

  • Small, handy size ideal for on the move

  • Illustrations and tables to improve understanding

  • Written by expert tutor of IEMA and NEBOSH environmental qualifications.

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Using this guide

This guide has been prepared to assist students in the preparation for two examinations with considerable overlap in subject matter – the IEMA Associate Membership exam and the NEBOSH Diploma in Environmental Management. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the syllabi for each programme (produced by the IEMA and NEBOSH) as well as the Manual of Environmental Management by Adrian Belcham. This guide provides condensed coverage of each syllabus intended to serve as a revision synopsis with full explanations provided in the Manual.
The guide begins with a section on the IEMA and NEBOSH examinations and strategies for preparing for each. The qualifications are set at different academic levels and it is important for students to be clear about the expected standards for each.
The main body of the guide is divided into 10 chapters that correspond to the chapters of the Manual of Environmental Management and also to the IEMA syllabus elements. Each of these 10 chapters contains 4 sections:
1. Concise notes, tables, images and revision task boxes are provided to aid students with revision. The NEBOSH syllabus covers a wider spectrum of issues than the IEMA one and the green boxed sections are relevant to NEBOSH students only (see pages 52–4, 71–4 and 100–5).
2. IEMA self-test questions and syllabus links.
3. NEBOSH self-test questions and syllabus links.
4. Further reading suggestions.
Appendix 1 and 2 contain a series of specimen answers to exam questions based on those set by the IEMA and NEBOSH. These are linked to the self-test questions and provide students with a clear benchmark of the standards to which they should be aligning themselves.
Appendix 3 is a glossary of environmental terms which provides an alphabetical quick reference to many of the key concepts covered within the guide.
Appendix 4 is a revision tool in the form of a legal summary table provided for you to complete as part of your exam preparation process. This has proven to be a very effective learning tool and ‘memory jogging’ reference over the years. You will need to refer to Chapter 5 of this guide plus the Manual of Environmental Management or alternative references to complete the table with your own key words.

The IEMA and NEBOSH examination requirements

This chapter is organised into the following sections:
2.1 The differences between the IEMA and NEBOSH examination levels
2.2 Common issues – command words and revision tips
2.3 IEMA examination tips
2.4 NEBOSH examination tips

2.1 The differences between the IEMA and NEBOSH examination levels

It is important to recognise that although this guide and the accompanying Handbook are intended for use by both IEMA Associate and NEBOSH Diploma students, the two qualifications have different syllabi, examination formats and assessment standards. It is important to be clear about the revision standards that you are trying to achieve. Passing the IEMA Associate membership exam requires less scope and depth of knowledge from students than the NEBOSH Diploma. Green shaded text boxes in Chapters 3–12 of this guide highlight those areas of information required only by NEBOSH Diploma students. It should be assumed that all other information in the guide and in the accompanying Manual is relevant to both IEMA and NEBOSH students. NEBOSH Diploma students need to recognise that, compared with IEMA students, they will be required to:
▶ consider more information (albeit across similar topic areas)
▶ understand and recall all topic areas to a greater degree of detail
▶ cultivate the ability to incorporate multiple areas of the syllabus within the context of a given scenario
▶ write more extensively, coherently and with a higher degree of interpretation in the examination.

2.2 Common issues – command words and revision tips

Examination command words

The terms and definitions in Table 2.1 are the key command words used in both the IEMA and NEBOSH examinations. Learn to recognise them and pay close attention to them when preparing your answer.

Revision tips

▶ Little and often is the golden rule for revision – most people find it more effective to spend an hour a day rather than one full day a week.
▶ Don’t be too dependent on one information source – if when looking at the relevant syllabus you find areas that you feel are insufficiently covered in this study guide or the Manual, or that don’t give you exactly what you want, e.g. a diagram or summary – use the references provided and read around the subject. At the very least it is a good idea to familiarise yourself with the Environment Agency and DEFRA websites.
▶ Remember that both the IEMA and NEBOSH examinations are designed to test your understanding – you cannot expect to adequately prepare for the exam by learning by rote. Use...

Table des matiĂšres