Colloquial Czech
eBook - ePub

Colloquial Czech

The Complete Course for Beginners

James Naughton

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  1. 480 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Colloquial Czech

The Complete Course for Beginners

James Naughton

DĂ©tails du livre
Aperçu du livre
Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

Colloquial Czech provides a step-by-step course in Czech as it is written and spoken today. Combining a user-friendly approach with a thorough treatment of the language, it equips learners with the essential skills needed to communicate confidently and effectively in Czech in a broad range of situations. No prior knowledge of the language is required.

Key features include:

‱ progressive coverage of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills

‱ structured, jargon-free explanations of grammar

‱ an extensive range of focused and stimulating exercises

‱ realistic and entertaining dialogues covering a broad variety of scenarios

‱ useful vocabulary lists throughout the text

‱ additional resources available at the back of the book, including a full answer key, a grammar summary and bilingual glossaries

Balanced, comprehensive and rewarding, Colloquial Czech will be an indispensable resource both for independent learners and students taking courses in Czech.

Audio material to accompany the course is available to download free in MP3 format from Recorded by native speakers, the audio material features the dialogues and texts from the book and will help develop your listening and pronunciation skills.

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Unit One

VĂ­tĂĄm vĂĄs v Praze!

Welcome to Prague!

In this unit you will learn about:
  • greetings and basic phrases
  • that/this
  • questions
  • ‘yes’ and ‘no’
  • gender and adjectives
  • some basic verbs in the present
  • addressing people
  • the vocative

Dialogue 1


Letiơtě The airport (Audio 1:15)

Neil Parker arrives in Praha ‘Prague’. Notice how the word Praha changes in the phrase v Praze, meaning ‘in Prague’. For ‘Welcome to Prague’ you say Vítám vás v Praze, literally ‘I welcome you in Prague.’
NEIL DobrĂœ den. Vy jste Věra BeneĆĄovĂĄ?
VĚRA Ano. To jsem já.
NEIL Těơí mě. Já jsem Neil Parker.
VĚRA Vítám vás v Praze! Vy jste Američan?
NEIL Ne, jĂĄ jsem Angličan. Moje manĆŸelka je Američanka.
VĚRA Ale mluvíte dobƙe česky!
NEIL Učím se jen rok. Trochu rozumím, ale mluvím ơpatně.
VĚRA Ale ne! Mluvíte pěkně! Máte kufr?
NEIL Ano, mám. Samozƙejmě. Tady je.
VĚRA Tak dobƙe. Pojďme. Auto čeká venku.
NEIL Hello. Are you Věra Beneơová?
VĚRA Yes. That's me.
NEIL Pleased to meet you. I'm Neil Parker.
VĚRA Welcome to Prague! You're American, aren't you?
NEIL No, I'm English. My wife is American.
VĚRA But you speak Czech (very) well!
NEIL I've only been learning for a year. I understand a bit, but I speak badly.
VĚRA No! You speak (really) nicely/well! Have you got a suitcase?
NEIL Yes I have. Of course. Here it is.
VĚRA Okay then. Let's go. The car's waiting outside.


dobrĂœ den hello (lit. ‘good day’)
(jĂĄ) jsem I am
(vy) jste you are
těơí mě pleased to meet you (lit. ‘It pleases me’)
vítám vás welcome (lit. ‘I welcome you’)
Praha, v Praze Prague, in Prague
ano — ne yes — no
(pan) BeneĆĄ, (panĂ­) BeneĆĄovĂĄ (Mr) BeneĆĄ, (Mrs) BeneĆĄovĂĄ (female form adds -ovĂĄ)
Američan II Američanka (an) American man, woman (female adds -ka)
Angličan II Angličanka (an) Englishman, woman
Čech II Čeơka (a) Czech man, woman
mĆŻj manĆŸel II moje manĆŸelka my husband, my wife
mĂĄm, mĂĄte I have, you have
mluvĂ­m, mluvĂ­te I speak, you speak
rozumĂ­m, rozumĂ­te I understand, you understand
učím se, učíte se I am learning, you are learning (lit. ‘teaching yourself)
dobƙe/pěkně — ơpatně well (fine, good, o...

Table des matiĂšres