Handbook of Anthropology in Business
eBook - ePub

Handbook of Anthropology in Business

Rita M Denny, Patricia L Sunderland, Rita M Denny, Patricia L Sunderland

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  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
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eBook - ePub

Handbook of Anthropology in Business

Rita M Denny, Patricia L Sunderland, Rita M Denny, Patricia L Sunderland

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À propos de ce livre

In recent years announcements of the birth of business anthropology have ricocheted around the globe. The first major reference work on this field, the Handbook of Anthropology in Business is a creative production of more than 60 international scholar-practitioners working in universities and corporate settings from high tech to health care. Offering broad coverage of theory and practice around the world, chapters demonstrate the vibrant tensions and innovation that emerge in intersections between anthropology and business and between corporate worlds and the lives of individual scholar-practitioners. Breaking from standard attempts to define scholarly fields as products of fixed consensus, the authors reveal an evolving mosaic of engagement and innovation, offering a paradigm for understanding anthropology in business for years to come.

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Note: Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations and their captions.
AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), 563
AAFCO (American Association of Feed Control Officials), 365
abstract inquiry, usefulness of, 141
business aversion in, 280; Cambridge, 35, 87; Chicago School of Sociology, 139, 141–42, 144–45; in China, 557, 559–60, 562–67, 564; Edinburgh University, 92; faculty challenges in teaching multidisciplinary content, 261; historical interaction between British institutions and anthropologists, 83–84; London School of Economics (LSE), 35, 84, 87; Lund University, Sweden, 789–91 master’s programs in applied cultural analysis, 686; Oxford, 35, 87; product studies conducted by academic anthropologists, 40; scholarship on branding, 391–92; tension between qualitative and quantitative methods, 145; UmeĂ„ University, Sweden, 789–90; University of Copenhagen, 790; University of Manchester, 97; Wayne State University, 565; working across departments, 261; See also Design, Engineering, and Commerce (DEC) curriculum; professional anthropology and training in France; University of North Texas
Academia Sinica, Beijing, 557–58
academic anthropology, 36, 57–58, 78–79
Accelovation, 781
account planning model, in advertising, 584
“Act First, Do the Research Later” (Norman), 550
actionable findings, 163, 286, 296, 571, 579
action systems method, 105
activist scholars, 40
activity-oriented approach to work analysis, 430–31
actor-network theory, 123, 702n6
actual world–virtual world relationship, 660
Added Value, 448, 455, 462n3
anthropology-strategy connection in, 571, 573; DKNY fragrance Be Delicious, 449; relationship management in, 582–83; strategies, 579–81; strategy and tactics in, 574–75; viral, 665
advertising, anthropologists in, 571–86
account planning as a behavioral model, 584; Advertising Agency Strategic Planning Model, 575; agency account planners, 574; creative briefs, 574, 576–81, 577; ethnography and ideation, 581–82; missed opportunities, 572; repositioning, 584–85; research-strategies connection, 571, 573; strategic development processes, 579, 582–83; strategic en...

Table des matiĂšres