The Control Systems Handbook
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The Control Systems Handbook

Control System Advanced Methods, Second Edition

William S. Levine, William S. Levine

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  1. 1,798 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF

The Control Systems Handbook

Control System Advanced Methods, Second Edition

William S. Levine, William S. Levine

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À propos de ce livre

At publication, The Control Handbook immediately became the definitive resource that engineers working with modern control systems required. Among its many accolades, that first edition was cited by the AAP as the Best Engineering Handbook of 1996.

Now, 15 years later, William Levine has once again compiled the most comprehensive and authoritative resource on control engineering. He has fully reorganized the text to reflect the technical advances achieved since the last edition and has expanded its contents to include the multidisciplinary perspective that is making control engineering a critical component in so many fields.

Now expanded from one to three volumes, The Control Handbook, Second Edition organizes cutting-edge contributions from more than 200 leading experts. The third volume, Control System Advanced Methods, includes design and analysis methods for MIMO linear and LTI systems, Kalman filters and observers, hybrid systems, and nonlinear systems. It also covers advanced considerations regarding —

  • Stability
  • Adaptive controls
  • System identification
  • Stochastic control
  • Control of distributed parameter systems
  • Networks and networked controls

As with the first edition, the new edition not only stands as a record of accomplishment in control engineering but provides researchers with the means to make further advances. Progressively organized, the first two volumes in the set include:

  • Control System Fundamentals
  • Control System Applications

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CRC Press

Table des matiĂšres