Counselling a Recovering Drug User
eBook - ePub

Counselling a Recovering Drug User

A Person-Centered Dialogue

Richard Bryant-Jefferies

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  1. 200 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Counselling a Recovering Drug User

A Person-Centered Dialogue

Richard Bryant-Jefferies

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À propos de ce livre

"This book is well timed and critically needed because it is a unique focus specifically working with the individual drug abuser which is written within the Carl Rogers' person-centered approach. This book is matchless and deeply insightful. Bryant-Jefferies offers critical wisdom from his many years of counseling persons with substance abuse problems and brings into the text the guidance and skill of an experienced supervisor. No doubt this book will remain a reference for a long time to come for all of us working in the field of counseling persons with drug abuse problems."
— Dana Murphy Parker, in her Foreword, Professor of Nursing, Arizona Western College, Board of Directors, The International Nurses Society on Addictions

"Counselling a Recovering Drug User has a story line that gripped me like a magnet from cover to cover. The reader will come away with a heightened awareness and increased knowledge of the complexities of dealing with people who have a drug-related problem. Many people will benefit from this book. The lay reader will find the book an engaging read whilst gaining some insight into the world of drug users and the counselling process. Actual and potential clients may need this and gain encouragement about the benefits of person-centred counselling. Health professionals will find this book provides an easy-to-follow explanation of Carl Roger's counselling model and a unique view on how the counselling relationship allows a troubled client to grow and heal. I enjoyed this book immensely. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in drug users' problems and the therapeutic relationship."
— Dr Peter C Robinson, in his Foreword General Practitioner, Surrey; GP with a Special Interest in Substance Misuse, Guildford, Surrey

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CRC Press

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