Power Electronics and Motor Drives
eBook - PDF

Power Electronics and Motor Drives

Bogdan M. Wilamowski, J. David Irwin, Bogdan M. Wilamowski, J. David Irwin

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  2. English
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eBook - PDF

Power Electronics and Motor Drives

Bogdan M. Wilamowski, J. David Irwin, Bogdan M. Wilamowski, J. David Irwin

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À propos de ce livre

The Industrial Electronics Handbook, Second Edition combines traditional and newer, more specialized knowledge that will help industrial electronics engineers develop practical solutions for the design and implementation of high-power applications. Embracing the broad technological scope of the field, this collection explores fundamental areas, including analog and digital circuits, electronics, electromagnetic machines, signal processing, and industrial control and communications systems. It also facilitates the use of intelligent systems—such as neural networks, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary methods—in terms of a hierarchical structure that makes factory control and supervision more efficient by addressing the needs of all production components.

Enhancing its value, this fully updated collection presents research and global trends as published in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Journal, one of the largest and most respected publications in the field. Power Electronics and Motor Drives facilitates a necessary shift from low-power electronics to the high-power varieties used to control electromechanical systems and other industrial applications.

This volume of the handbook:

  • Focuses on special high-power semiconductor devices
  • Describes various electrical machines and motors, their principles of operation, and their limitations
  • Covers power conversion and the high-efficiency devices that perform the necessary switchover between AC and DC
  • Explores very specialized electronic circuits for the efficient control of electric motors
  • Details other applications of power electronics, aside from electric motors—including lighting, renewable energy conversion, and automotive electronics
  • Addresses power electronics used in very-high-power electrical systems to transmit energy

Other volumes in the set:

  • Fundamentals of Industrial Electronics
  • Control and Mechatronics
  • Industrial Communication Systems
  • Intelligent Systems

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CRC Press

Table des matiĂšres