Psychotherapist Revealed
eBook - ePub

Psychotherapist Revealed

Therapists Speak About Self-Disclosure in Psychotherapy

Andrea Bloomgarden, Rosemary B. Mennuti, Andrea Bloomgarden, Rosemary B. Mennuti

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  1. 342 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Psychotherapist Revealed

Therapists Speak About Self-Disclosure in Psychotherapy

Andrea Bloomgarden, Rosemary B. Mennuti, Andrea Bloomgarden, Rosemary B. Mennuti

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À propos de ce livre

In this edited volume, the real dialogue begins. Therapists speak openly and honestly about their self-disclosure practices, decisions and clinical dilemmas. Bloomgardenand Mennuti bring together research, training and tales from their clinical experience to illuminate lessons derived from their own journeys toward judicious, balanced self-disclosure practices. In a readable fashion, the stories highlight a variety of self-disclosure and boundary issues that occur in the course of psychotherapy. Numerous treatment modalities and clinical orientations are represented.

The collective wisdom offered through these stories, which includes suggested guidelines and a standard of care for good practice, will assist the reader in developing a better understanding of what it means to self-disclose appropriately, recognizing a flexible middle ground between "too much" and "too little" along with responsiveness to client need. The Freudian based taboo that rigidly warns against all self-disclosure is antiquated, and a more reasonable, balanced perspective is under way. As a psychotherapeutic community, including psychologists, social workers, art therapists, counselors, dance/movement therapists who are all represented in this book, it is time to talk openly about a balanced, judicious, and therapeutically appropriate approach to self-disclosure and boundaries. Bravely, that is exactly what the authors in this book have done.

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Abandonment, fear of, 152, 155, 159
Accelerated experiential-dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP), 87–88, 90–91, 92–93, 94– 97
Accidental self-disclosure, 34
boundary crossings and, 141
case examples of, 135–148 (see also Case examples of addictions)
culture of, 102–103
home offices and, 142
models of, 135–138, 145–146
recovered therapists and, 277
Adolescents. See also Children
case examples of, 55–70, 101–109 (see also Case examples of eating disorders)
modeling appropriate behaviors for, 107–108, 113
needs of, 106–109
questions asked by, 102–103
resistance of, 44
Adult children of alcoholics, 137
Adversity of therapists. See Gottlieb, Dan; Therapist adversity
AEDP. See Accelerated experiential-dynamic psychotherapy
Affect. See Emotions
Affective communication. See also Emotions
completing cycle of, 90– 91
feedback and therapeutic alliance, 25
relational perspective on, 20, 21
Affirmation of clients, 93
African Americans, 172–173, 175–176, 187.
See also Journey of a relational therapist
Age and guidelines for self-disclosure, 310
Alcoholics Anonymous
addiction community of, 135–138
therapists and clients both attending, 140–141
treatment philosophy of, 102, 139–140
Alienation of therapists, 248–249
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, 183
Anger, disclosure guidelines on, 309
Anorexia nervosa
case examples of, 55–62, 199–203
structural family therapy for, 197–198, 204
turning points in psychotherapy and, 55– 62
Anticipatory empathy, 269–270, 272–273
Anxiety. See also Fear
case examples of, 115–133 (see also Case examples of obsessive-compulsive hoarding)
evaluative, 125, 126–127, 128
obsessive-compulsive d...

Table des matiĂšres