The Thesaurus
eBook - ePub

The Thesaurus

Review, Renaissance, and Revision

Sandra K. Roe, Alan R Thomas

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  1. 224 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

The Thesaurus

Review, Renaissance, and Revision

Sandra K. Roe, Alan R Thomas

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À propos de ce livre

Use this single source to uncover the origin and development of the thesaurus! The Thesaurus: Review, Renaissance, and Revision examines the historical development of the thesaurus and the standards employed for thesaurus construction. This book provides both the history of thesauri and tutorials on usage to increase your understanding of thesaurus creation, use, and evaluation. This reference tool offers essential information on thesauri in the digital environment, including Web sites, databases, and software. For 50 years, the thesaurus has been a core reference book; The Thesaurus: Review, Renaissance, and Revision celebrates this history and speculates on the future of vocabulary-switching tools. This book will familiarize you with contemporary and emerging functions of thesauri, including international and multilingual developments. The Thesaurus: Review, Renaissance, and Revision provides information and library professionals—including indexers, abstractors, subject catalogers, classifiers, and reference librarians—a historical overview of the thesaurus and its past as well as recent developments. This book also gives patrons, readers, and researchers more effective techniques in vocabulary management and offers insight on how thesauri are devised and compiled. This book addresses:

  • changing definitions, characteristics, functions, and applications of thesauri
  • the value of standards, evaluation, use and review of software, and role and work of consultants during thesauri construction and maintenance
  • multicultural issues that affect thesauri creation, such as mapping and interoperability
  • education and training

The Thesaurus: Review, Renaissance, and Revision also provides you with extensive bibliographies related to issues and problems in thesaurus construction and design, such as developing standards in support of electronic thesauri.

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AAT (Art & Architecture Thesaurus), 5–6, 91–92,95–96
Acceptance criteria, 167
Addition and gap closure determinations, 41–42
ADL Thesaurus Protocol, 130–133, 135–142
AI (artificial intelligence) devices, 161
Aitchison, J., 5–21
Alphabetic index creation, 43–44
Alphabetical presentation development, 9–10,44–45
Amendments (draft), 82
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 7,90
ANSI/NISO standards
Z39.19, 9,17,90–91,104
Z39.50, 141
Approaches (construction), 64–67
ARIST (Annual Review of Information Science and Technology), 92–93
ASI (American Society of Indexers), 25,31
ASIS Thesaurus of Information Science and Librarianship, 104
Assessment- and evaluation-related issues
evaluation methods, 93–99
AAT (Art & Architecture Thesaurus) and, 91–92,95–96
comparative methods, 95–99
formative methods, 94–95
forms for, 97–99
LCTGM (Library of Congress Thesaurus for Graphic Materials) and, 95–96
mapping methods, 97–99
observational reports, 95–98
overviews of, 93–95
Ruan, L. and, 97–99
task outlines for, 96
Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors and, 88–89,91–92,94
usability studies and, 94–95
future perspectives of, 99
historical perspectives of, 88–93
ARIST (Annual Review of Information Science and Technology) and, 92–93
Chemical Engineering Thesaurus (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) and, 90
DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification) and, 91–92
E.I. DuPont de Nemours (Engineering Information Center) and, 89–90
Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Thesauri...

Table des matiĂšres