Conversational French Quick and Easy
eBook - ePub

Conversational French Quick and Easy

The Most Innovative Technique to Learn the French Language

Yatir Nitzany, Matthew Abraham, Judith Henstra, Judith Henstra

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eBook - ePub

Conversational French Quick and Easy

The Most Innovative Technique to Learn the French Language

Yatir Nitzany, Matthew Abraham, Judith Henstra, Judith Henstra

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Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

Have you always wanted to learn how to speak French but simply didn't have the time?
Well if so, then, look no further. You can hold in your hands one of the most advanced and revolutionary method that was ever designed for quickly becoming conversational in a language. In creating this time-saving program, master linguist Yatir Nitzany spent years examining the twenty-seven most common languages in the world and distilling from them the three hundred and fifty words that are most likely to be used in real conversations. These three hundred and fifty words were chosen in such a way that they were structurally interrelated and, when combined, form sentences. Through various other discoveries about how real conversations work—discoveries that are detailed further in this book—Nitzany created the necessary tools for linking these words together in a specific way so that you may become rapidly and almost effortlessly conversant—now.
If you want to learn complicated grammar rules, or to speak perfectly proper and precise French, this book is not for you. However, if you need to actually hold a conversation while on a trip to France, to impress that certain someone, or to be able to speak with your grandfather or grandmother as soon as possible, then the Nitzany Method is what you have been looking for. This method is designed for fluency in a foreign language, while communicating in the present tense. Nitzany believes that what's most important is actually being able to understand and be understood by another human being right away.
This is one of the several, in a series of instructional language guides, the Nitzany Method's revolutionary approach is the only one in the world that uses its unique language technology to actually enable you to speak and understand native speakers in the shortest amount of time possible. No more depending on volumes of books of fundamental, beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, all with hundreds of pages in order to learn a language. With Conversational French Quick and Easy, all you need are fifty-three pages.
Learn French today, not tomorrow, and get started now!

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Thank you - Merci

For - Pour
Anything - Quelque chose
This is - C'est
Time - Temps
But - Mais
No / not - Non
I am not - Je ne suis pas
Away - Loin
That - Ça (M) Ce, (F) Cela
Similar - Similaire
Other / Another - Autre / une autre
Side - CÎté
Until - Jusque / jusqu’à
Yesterday - Hier
Without us - Sans nous
Since - Depuis
Day - Jour
Before – Avant
Thank you Kenneth.
Merci Kenneth.
It's almost time
C’est presque temps
I am not here, I am away
Je ne suis pas ici, je suis loin
That is a similar house to ours.
Cette maison est semblable a la notre.-----------
I am from the other side
Je suis de l’autre cĂŽtĂ©
But I was here until late yesterday
Mais j’étais ici jusque tard hier
Since the other day
Depuis l’autre jour
*Concerning the demonstrative “that” / ça, ce, cela, please read here.
I say / I am saying - Je dis que / Je suis en train de dire
What time is it? - Quelle heure est-il?
I want - Je veux
Without you - Sans toi
Everywhere /wherever - Partout / Partout oĂč
I go / I am going - Je vais/ Je suis en train d’aller
With - Avec
My - (Sing M/F) Mon/Ma (Plu) Mes
Cousin - Cousin
I need - J’ai besoin
Right now - Maintenant
Night - Nuit
To see - Voir
Light - LumiĂšre
Outside - Dehors
That is - C’est
Any (Sing) - Quelque (Plu) Quelques (both plural and singular form pronounced as quelque since the final s in quelques is silent)
I see / I am seeing Je vois
I am saying no
Je suis en train de dire non
I say no
Je dis non
I want to see this during the day
Je veux voir cela pendant la journée
I see this everywhere
Je vois ça partout
I am happy without any of my cousins here
Je suis trĂšs content sans aucun de mes cousins ici
You need to be at home.
Vous devez ĂȘtre Ă  la maison.
I see light outside
Je vois de la lumiĂšre dehors
What time is it right now?
Quelle heure est-il maintenant?
*This isn’t a phrase book! The purpose of this book is solely to provide you with the tools to create your own sentences!
Place - Lieu
Easy - Facile
To find - Trouver
To look for / to search - Chercher
Near / Close - PrĂšs de
To wait - Attendre
To sell - Vendre
To use - Utiliser
To know - Savoir
To decide - DĂ©cider
Between - Entre
Two - Deux
To - À /à
This place is easy to find
Ce lieu est facile Ă  trouv...

Table des matiĂšres