Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 : Manual
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Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 : Manual

Sage De Clerck, and Tobias Wickens

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Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 : Manual

Sage De Clerck, and Tobias Wickens

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1. Introduction
Purpose of the Manual
The Evolution of International Statistical Guidelines on GFS
The Update of the GFSM 2001
Uses of the GFS Framework
Structure and Features of the GFS Framework
Methodological Differences with the GFSM 1986
Basis of Recording Economic Events
Balance Sheets
Integration of Flows and Stock Positions
The Analytic Framework
Harmonization with Other Methodologies
Implementation of the GFS Framework
Structure of the Manual
2. Institutional Units and Sectors
Institutional Units
Definition of an Institutional Unit
Types of Institutional Units
Legal and social entities
Nonprofit institutions (NPIs)
Government units
Application of the Definition of an Institutional Unit to Government
Institutional Sectors
Defining Institutional Sectors
Nonfinancial corporations sector
Financial corporations sector
General government sector
Households sector
Nonprofit institutions serving households (NPISHs) sector
The Use of Subsectors
Institutional Coverage and Sectorization of the Public Sector
Delineating General Government and Public Corporations
The General Government Sector and Its Subsectors
Central government
State governments
Local governments
Social security funds
The Public Corporations Sector and Its Subsectors
The public corporations subsector
Government control of corporations
Types of public corporations
Public nonfinancial corporations subsector
Public financial corporations subsector
Public deposit-taking corporations
The central bank
Public deposit-taking corporations except the central bank
Other public financial corporations
Other groupings of public sector units
Decision Tree for Sector Classification of the Public Sector
Practical Application of Sector Classification Principles
Identifying Quasi-corporations
Distinguishing Head Offices and Holding Companies
Restructuring Agencies
Financial Protection Schemes
Special Purpose Entities
Joint Ventures
Sinking Funds
Pension Schemes
Provident Funds
Sovereign Wealth Funds
Market Regulatory Agencies
Development Funds and/or Infrastructure Companies or Entities
3. Economic Flows, Stock Positions, and Accounting Rules
Economic Flows
Monetary transactions
Nonmonetary transactions
Two-party nonmonetary transactions
Internal transactions
Rearrangements of some transactions
Other Economic Flows
Holding gains and losses
Other changes in the volume of assets/liabilities
Stock Positions
Economic Benefits
Definition of Assets and Liabilities
Financial assets and liabilities
Nonfinancial assets
Accounting Rules
Type of Accounting System
Time of Recording Flows
Alternative recording bases
Using the accrual basis of recording in the Statements of Operations and Other Economic Flows, and Balance Sheet of the GFS framework
Application of the accrual principles
Time of recording and measurement of taxes and other compulsory transfers
Time of recording dividends
Time of recording transactions in goods, services, and nonfinancial assets
Time of recording transactions in financial assets and liabilities
Time of recording other economic flows
Using the cash basis of recording in the Statement of Sources and Uses of Cash
General rule
Valuation of transactions
Valuation of stock positions
Valuation adjustments in special cases
Valuation of other economic flows
Holding gains and losses
Other changes in the volume of assets
Unit of account
Currency conversion
Domestic and foreign currency
Currency of denomination and currency of settlement
Derived Measures
Netting of Flows and Stock Positions
Reasons for consolidation
Conceptual guidelines
Implementing consolidation
Consolidation in other datasets
2008 System of National Accounts
Financial statements
4. The Government Finance Statistics Analytic Framework
Analytic Objectives
Construction of the Analytic Framework: Relation to the GFSM 1986
Components and Concepts of the Analytic Framework
The Statement of Operations
Revenue and Expense
Transactions in Nonfinancial Assets
Transactions in Financial Assets and Liabilities
The Statement of Sources and Uses of Cash
The Statement of Other Economic Flows
The Balance Sheet
The Statement of Total Changes in Net Worth
The Summary Statement of Explicit Contingent Liabilities and Net Implicit Obligations for Future Social Security Benefits
Annex: Using GFS for Fiscal Analysis
Fiscal Indicators Available from the GFS Framework
Fiscal Indicators Requiring Additional Data
5. Revenue
Defining Revenue
Time of Recording and Measurement of Revenue
The Classification of Revenue
Taxes (11)
GFS tax classifications in comparison with other statistical databases
Treatment of tax refunds and tax relief
Tax attribution
Tax categories
Taxes on income, profits, and capital gains (111)
Taxes on payroll and workforce (112)
Taxes on property (113)
Taxes on goods and services (114)
General taxes on goods and services (1141)
Value-added taxes (11411)
Sales taxes (11412)
Turnover and other general taxes on goods and services (11413)
Taxes on financial and capital transactions (11414)
Excises (1142)
Profits of fiscal monopolies (1143)
Taxes on specific services (1144)
Taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities (1145)
Boundary with administrative fees
Boundary with taxes on business activities levied on different bases
Boundaries with other tax categories
Boundary with the acquisition or use of an asset
Other taxes on goods and services (1146)
Taxes on international trade and transactions (115)
Other taxes (116)
Social Contributions [GFS] (12)
The boundary between social contributions and other categories of taxes
Social security contributions [GFS] (121)
Other social contributions [GFS] (122)
Grants (13)
Other Revenue (14)
Property income [GFS] (141)
Interest [GFS] (1411)
Dividends (1412)
Withdrawals of income from quasi-corporations (1413)
Property income from investment income disbursements (1414)
Rent (1415)
Rent on land
Rent on subsoil assets
Boundary with rental of produced assets
Boundary with taxes
Reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment (1416)
Sales of goods and services (142)
Fines, penalties, and forfeits (143)
Transfers not elsewhere classified (144)
Premiums, fees, and claims receivable related to nonlife insurance and standardized guarantee schemes (145)
6. Expense
Defining Expense
Time of Recording Expense
The Economic Classification of Expense
Compensation of Employees [GFS] (21)
Wages and salaries [GFS] (211)
Wages and salaries in cash [GFS] (2111)
Wages and salaries in kind [GFS] (2112)
Employers’ social contributions [GFS] (212)
Actual employers’ social contributions [GFS] (2121)
Imputed employers’ social contributions (2122)
Imputed employers’ social contributions related to nonpension benefits
Imputed employers’ social contributions to employment-related pension benefits
Use of Goods and Services (22)
The boundary between use of goods and services and compensation of employees
The boundary between use of goods and services and transfers
The boundary between use of goods and services and the acquisition of nonfinancial assets
Other boundaries related to use of goods and services
Consumption of Fixed Capital [GFS] (23)
Interest [GFS] (24)
Indexation of the coupon payments only
Indexation of the amount to be paid at maturity
Subsidies (25)
Grants (26)
Social Benefits [GFS] (27)
Other Expense (28)
Property expense other than interest (281)
Dividends (2811)
Withdrawals of income from quasi-corporations (2812)
Property expense for investment income disbursements (2813)
Rent (2814)
Reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment (2815)
Transfers not elsewhere classified (282)
Current transfers not elsewhere classified (2821)
Capital transfers not elsewhere classified (2822)
Premiums, fees, and claims payable related to nonlife insurance and standardized guarantee schemes (283)
Annex: Classification of the Functions of Government
Structure of COFOG Classifications
Uses of COFOG
Individual versus Collective Goods and Services
Units of Classification
Problems in Identifying Functions of Government
Shared Expenditure
Administrative Expenditure
Consumption of Fixed Capital
Cross-Classification of Expenditure
Detailed Classification of the Functions of Government
General Public Services
Public Order and Safety
Economic Affairs
Environmental Protection
Housing and Community Amenities
Recreation, Culture, and Religion
Social Protection
7. The Balance Sheet
Defining Assets and Liabilities
Ownership and the Asset Boundary
Deriving Definitions for Assets and Liabilities
Valuation of Assets and Liabilities
Value Observed in Markets
Value Obtained by Accumulating and Revaluing Transactions
Present Value of Future Returns
Classification of Assets and Liabilities
Nonfinancial Assets (61)
Fixed assets (611)
Buildings and structures (6111)
Dwellings (61111)
Buildings other than dwellings (61112)
Other structures (61113)
Land improvements (61114)
Machinery and equipment (6112)
Transport equipment (61121)
Machinery and equipment other than transport equipment (61122)
Information, computer, and telecommunications equipment (ICT) (611221)
Machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified (611222)
Other fixed assets (6113)
Cultivated biological resources (61131)
Intellectual property products (61132)
Weapons systems (6114)
Inventories (612)
Materials and supplies (61221)
Work in progress (61222)
Finished goods (61223)
Goods for resale (61224)
Military inventories (61225)
Valuables (613)
Nonproduced assets (614)
Land (6141)
Mineral and energy resources (6142)
Other naturally occurring assets (6143)
Intangible nonproduced assets (6144)
Contracts, leases, and licenses (61441)
Marketable operating leases (614411)
Permits to use natural resources (614412)
Permits to undertake specific activities (614413)
Entitlement to future goods and services on an exclusive basis (614414)
Goodwill and marketing assets (61442)
Financial Assets (62) and Liabilities (63)
Monetary gold and Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (6201, 6221, 6301, 6321)
Monetary gold (62011, 62211)
Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (62012, 62212, 63012, 63212)
Currency and deposits (6202, 6212, 6222, 6302, 6312, 6322)
Debt securities (6203, 6213, 6223, 6303, 6313, 6323)
Loans (6204, 6214, 6224, 6304, 6314, 6324)
Equity and investment fund shares (6205, 6215, 6225, 6305, 6315, 6325)
Equity (62051, 62151, 62251, 63051, 63151, 63251)
Investment fund shares or units (62052, 62152, 62252, 63052, 63152, 63252)
Insurance, pension, and standardized guarantee schemes [GFS] (6206, 6216, 6226, 6306, 6316, 6326)
Nonlife insurance technical reserves (62061, 62161, 62261, 63061, 63161, 63261)
Life insurance and annuities entitlements (62062, 62162, 62262, 63062, 63162, 63262)
Pension entitlements [GFS] (62063, 62163, 62263, 63063, 63163, 63263)
Claims of pension funds on pension manager (62064, 62164, 62264, 63064, 63164, 63264)
Provisions for calls under standardized guarantee schemes (62065, 62165, 62265, 63065, 63165, 63265)
Financial derivatives and employee stock options (6207, 6217, 6227, 6307, 6317, 6327)
Financial derivatives (62071, 62171, 62271, 63071, 63171, 63271)
Forward-type contracts
Other issues associated with financial derivatives
Swap contracts
Credit derivatives
Employee stock options (62072, 62172, 62272, 63072, 63172, 63272)
Other accounts receivable/payable (6208, 6218, 6228, 6308, 6318, 6328)
Net Worth
Memorandum Items
Net Financial Worth (6M2)
Gross debt
Gross debt at market value (6M3)
Gross debt at nominal value (6M4)
Gross debt at face value (6M35)
Net debt
Concessional loans
Arrears (6M5)
Explicit Contingent Liabilities (6M6)
One-off guarantees
Net Implicit Obligations for Future Social Security Benefits (6M7)
Nonperforming Loan Assets at Fair Value (6M8)
Classification of the Counterparty of Financial Assets and Liabilities by Institutional Sector
Classification of Debt Liabilities and Financial Assets Corresponding to Debt Instruments by Maturity
8. Transactions in Nonfinancial Assets
Costs of Ownership Transfer
Time of Recording
Consumption of Fixed Capital
Netting of Transactions
Classification and Recording of Transactions in Nonfinancial Assets
Fixed Assets (311)
Major improvements versus maintenance and repair
Buildings and structures (3111)
Machinery and equipment (3112)
Other fixed assets (3113)
Cultivated biological resources (31131)
Intellectual property products (31132)
Costs of ownership transfer on nonproduced assets other than land (31133)
Weapons systems (3114)
Inventories (312)
Valuables (313)
Nonproduced Assets (314)
Land (3141)
Mineral and energy resources (3142)
Other naturally occurring assets (3143)
Intangible nonproduced assets (3144)
9. Transactions in Financial Assets and Liabilities
Time of Recording
Netting and Consolidation of Flows
Classification of Transactions in Financial Assets and Liabilities by Type of Financial Instrument and Residence
Monetary Gold and Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (3201, 3221, 3301, 3321)
Monetary gold (32011, 32211)
Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (32012, 32212, 33012, 33212)
Currency and Deposits (3202, 3212, 3222, 3302, 3312, 3322)
Debt Securities (3203, 3213, 3223, 3303, 3313, 3323)
Debt securities issued at par
Debt securities issued at a discount or premium
Index-linked debt securities
Debt securities with embedded derivatives
Loans (3204, 3214, 3224, 3304, 3314, 3324)
Equity and Investment Fund Shares (3205, 3215, 3225, 3305, 3315, 3325)
Equity (32051, 32151, 32251, 33051, 33151, 33251)
Investment fund shares (32052, 32152, 32252, 33052, 33152, 33252)
Insurance, Pension, and Standardized Guarantee Schemes [GFS] (3206, 3216, 3226, 3306, 3316, 3326)
Nonlife insurance technical reserves [GFS] (32061, 32161, 32261, 33061, 33161, 33261)
Life insurance and annuities entitlements (32062, 32162, 32262, 33062, 33162, 33262)
Pension entitlements [GFS] (32063, 32163, 32263, 33063, 33163, 33263)
Claims of pension fund on pension manager (32064, 32164, 32264, 33064, 33164, 33264)
Provision for calls under standardized guarantee schemes (32065, 32165, 32265, 33065, 33165, 33265)
Financial Derivatives and Employee Stock Options (3207, 3217, 3227, 3307, 3317, 3327)
Financial derivatives (32071, 32171, 32271, 33071, 33171, 33271)
Employee stock options (32072, 32172, 32272, 33072, 33172, 33272)
Other Accounts Receivable/Payable (3208, 3218, 3228, 3308, 3318, 3328)
Classification of Transactions in Financial Assets and Liabilities by Sector and Residence
Classification of Debt Liabilities and Financial Assets Corresponding to Debt Instruments by Maturity
10. Other Economic Flows
Holding Gains
Holding Gains in General
Holding Gains for Particular Types of Assets
Fixed assets (411)
Inventories (412)
Valuables (413)
Nonfinancial assets disposed of during the reporting period
Monetary gold and Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (4201, 4221, 4301, 4321)
Financial assets and liabilities with fixed monetary values
Debt securities (4203, 4213, 4223, 4303, 4313, 4323)
Equity and investment fund shares (4205, 4215, 4225, 4305, 4315, 4325)
Insurance, pension, and standardized guarantee schemes (4206, 4216, 4226, 4306, 4316, 4326)
Financial derivatives and employee stock options (4207, 4217, 4227, 4307, 4317, 4327)
Financial assets denominated in foreign currencies
Debt instruments that do not accrue interest
Other Changes in the Volume of Assets
Appearance or Disappearance of Existing Economic Assets
The Effect of External Events on the Value of Assets
Catastrophic losses
Uncompensated seizures
Other volume changes not elsewhere classified
Fixed assets (511)
Exceptional losses in inventories (512)
Life insurance and annuities entitlements (52062, 52162, 52262, 53062, 53162, 53262)
Pension entitlements (52063, 52163, 52263, 53063, 53163, 53263)
Provisions for calls under standardized guarantee schemes (52065, 52165, 52265, 53065, 53165, 53265)
Changes in Classification
Changes in sector classification and structure
Changes in classification of assets and liabilities
1. Changes from the GFSM 2001 and GFSM 1986
Changes from the GFSM 2001
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Cross-Cutting Changes in Terminology
Changes from the GFSM 1986
Coverage of Units
Time of Recording Economic Events
Coverage of Events
Gross and Net Recording of Flows
Integration of Flows and Stocks
Definitions and Classifications
Balancing Items
Harmonization with Other Statistical Systems
2. Social Protection
The Nature of Social Protection
Boundary between Social Protection and Private Insurance
Classification Criteria for Social Protection Arrangements
Typology of Social Protection Arrangements
Social Assistance
Social Insurance Schemes
Social security schemes
Other employment-related social insurance schemes
Employment-related pensions and other retirement benefit schemes
Nonautonomous employment-related pension schemes
Autonomous employment-related pension schemes
Defined-benefit pension schemes
Defined-contribution pension schemes
Government assumption of employment-related pension obligations of other institutional units
Employment-related nonpension social insurance schemes
3. Debt and Related Operations
Debt Reorganization
Debt Forgiveness
Debt Rescheduling and Refinancing
Debt rescheduling
Debt refinancing
Debt Conversion and Debt Prepayment
Debt conversion
Debt prepayment
Debt Assumption and Debt Payments on Behalf of Others
Debt assumption
Debt payments on behalf of others
Other Debt-Related Issues
Debt Write-Offs and Write-Downs
New Money Facilities
Debt Defeasance
Debt Concessionality
Debt Arising from Bailout Operations
The sectorization issue
Statistical treatment of “capital injections”
Debt of Special Purpose Entities
Debt Arising from Securitization
Debt Arising from Off-Market Swaps
On-Lending of Borrowed Funds
Stock Positions and Related Flows with the IMF
Reserve position in the IMF
Credit and loans from the IMF
IMF No. 2 Account
Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)
4. Some Cross-Cutting Issues
Leases, Licenses, Permits, and Other Contracts
Operating leases
Financial leases
Resource leases
Licenses and Permits to Use a Natural Resource
Radio spectrum
Mineral and energy resources
Sharing Assets
Permits to Undertake a Specific Activity
Permits issued by government
Conditions for government permits recognized as assets
Permits to use natural resources as sinks
Contracts for future production
Leases as Assets
Public-Private Partnerships
Determining Economic Ownership of PPP-Related Assets
Statistical Treatment
Insurance and Standardized Guarantee Schemes
Types of Insurance and Standardized Guarantee Schemes
Defining Terminology Used in Insurance
Statistical Treatment of Nonlife Insurance and Standardized Guarantees
Flows and stock positions recorded by public sector units as nonlife insurers or guarantors
Flows and stock positions recorded by public sector units as nonlife policyholders and holders of standardized guarantees
5. Regional Arrangements
Types of Regional Arrangements
Custom Unions
A designated agency levies, collects, and distributes the proceeds from the duties
A designated agency levies and distributes duties but member governments collect duties on behalf of the designated agency
Member governments have collective rights to levy, collect, and distribute the duties
Member governments have collective rights to levy the duty, but only one member collects and distributes the duties
Economic Unions
Residence in an economic union
Recording some specific transactions related to regional organizations
Monetary and Currency Unions
Using the GFSM Statistical Framework under Regional Arrangements
Harmonization Requirements for GFS in Economic or Monetary Unions
6. GFS and International Public Sector Accounting Standards
Comparison of IPSASs and GFS Reporting Guidelines
Conceptual Differences between IPSASs and GFS Reporting Guidelines
Reporting entity
Recognition criteria
Valuation (measurement) bases
Treatment of revaluations and other volume changes
Presentation and Terminology Differences
Different names for statements
Classification structures
Minimum level of detail
Disclosure of additional information
Mapping from IPSAS financial statement aggregates to GFS aggregates
Total assets and total liabilities
Net worth
Revenue and expense
Consumption of fixed capital (assets)
Operating balance
7. GFS and Other Macroeconomic Statistics
Overview of Similarities and Differences
Coverage and Accounting Rules
Comparison of the Analytical Frameworks of GFS and the SNA
Comparison of the Accounts in GFS and the SNA
Linkages between GFS and the SNA
Current accounts
The production account
The distribution of income accounts
The primary distribution of income account
The generation of income account
The allocation of primary income account
The secondary distribution of income account
The redistribution of income in kind account
The use of disposable income account
The accumulation accounts
The capital account
The financial account
The other changes in the volume of assets accounts
The revaluation account
The balance sheet
Comparison of the Analytical Frameworks of the GFS and the Balance of Payments and the International Investment Position
Comparison of the Accounts in GFS and Balance of Payments and the International Investment Position
Linkages between GFS and Balance of Payments and the International Investment Position
The balance of payments
The current account
The goods and services account
The primary income account
The secondary income account
The capital account
The financial account
The other changes in financial assets and liabilities account
The international investment position
Comparison of the Analytical Frameworks of the GFS and the Monetary and Financial Statistics
Comparing the Accounts in GFS and Monetary and Financial Statistics
Linkages between GFS and Monetary and Financial Statistics
Comparison of the Analytical Framework of the GFS and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Central Framework
Comparing the Accounts in GFS and SEEA Central Framework
The Nature of Environmental Protection Activities and Accounting
Linkages between GFS and SEEA Central Framework
Environmental payments to government
Environmental taxes
Treatment of value-added taxes
Other payments to government
Sales of goods and services
Fines and penalties
Environmental transfers by nongovernment institutional units
Permits to use environmental assets
Environmental payments by governments
Environmental subsidies and similar transfers
8. GFS Classifications
9. Glossary
3.1 Detailed Classification of Counterparty Information
4.1 Statement of Operations
4.2 Statement of Sources and Uses of Cash
4.3 Statement of Other Economic Flows
4.4 Balance Sheet
4.5 Statement of Total Changes in Net Worth
4.6 Summary Statement of Explicit Contingent Liabilities and Net Implicit Obligations for Future Social Security Benefits
4A.1 Fiscal Indicators Available from the GFS Framework
4A.2 Fiscal Indicators Requiring Additional Data
5.1 Summary Classification of Revenue
5.2 Detailed Classification of Taxes on Income, Profits, and Capital Gains (111)
5.3 Detailed Classification of General Taxes on Goods and Services (1141)
5.4 Detailed Classification of Taxes on Use of Goods and on Permission to Use Goods or Perform Activities (1145)
5.5 Detailed Classification of Taxes on International Trade and Transactions (115)
5.6 Detailed Classification of Social Contributions [GFS] (12)
5.7 Detailed Classification of Grants (13)
5.8 Detailed Classification of Interest [GFS] (1411)
5.9 Detailed Classification of Dividends (1412)
5.10 Detailed Classification of Sales of Goods and Services (142)
5.11 Detailed Classification of Transfers Not Elsewhere Classified (144)
5.12 Detailed Classification of Premiums, Fees, and Claims Receivable Related to Nonlife Insurance and Standardized Guarantee Schemes (145)
6.1 Summary Economic Classification of Expense
6.2 Detailed Classification of Compensation of Employees [GFS] (21)
6.3 Relationship between Inventories (612) and Use of Goods and Services (22)
6.4 Detailed Classification of Consumption of Fixed Capital [GFS] (23)
6.5 Detailed Classification of Interest (24)
6.6 Detailed Classification of Subsidies (25)
6.7 Detailed Classification of Grants (26)
6.8 Detailed Classification of Social Benefits (27)
6.9 Detailed Classification of Dividends (2811)
6.10 Detailed Classification of Transfers Not Elsewhere Classifieds (282)
6.11 Detailed Classification of Premiums, Fees, and Claims Payable Related to Nonlife Insurance and Standardized Guarantee Schemes (283)
6A.1 Classification of Expenditure by Functions of Government According to Divisions and Groups
6A.2 Cross-Classification of Expenditure by Functional and Economic Classifications
7.1 Balance Sheet
7.2 Summary Classification of Nonfinancial Assets
7.3 Classification of Buildings and Structures
7.4 Classification of Machinery and Equipment
7.5 Classification of Other Fix...

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