Golden Chersonese
eBook - ePub

Golden Chersonese

Isabella Bird

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  1. 422 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
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eBook - ePub

Golden Chersonese

Isabella Bird

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À propos de ce livre

Even in the last two decades of the nineteenth century, Isabelle Bird, by then an established travel writer, was able to refer to the Malay Peninsula as an almost unknown land. Travelling back from Japan, the intrepid travel writer stopped off in Singapore where the British Colonial Secretary offered her the opportunity to vist the native states of the Western Archipelago. Because she had such a good introduction, she went and was taken everywhere by local officials. And so Miss Bird's journey was less rugged than her many other trips, but, rather more comfortable and well connected, she enjoyed it immensely.

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ABDULLAH, his two sons, 276, 281
Abdulsamat, Sultan, 216; his steam launch, 224; his three houses, 230; council of state, 231; harem, 233; gift, 234
Ah Loi, the enterprising Chinaman at Kwala Lumpor, 220; entertains Sir F. A. Weld, 221
Alligators, 166
Amok, “running amuck,” 165; supposed origin of meaning, 355–357
Ampagnan tin mine near Kwala Lumpor, 208
Anamese children, 99; town, 100; physical appearance of the adults, 104
Anamite river-dwellings, 101
Ant-town, an, 196; the quarriers and labourers, 197, 198
Apes used to gather coco-nuts, 301, 319, 333
BABAS, the, 17
Baba, his Hadji dress, 147
Beri-Beri disease, the, 284
Bernam river, the, 244
Betel-nut, the, 180; how prepared, 181
Biggs, Rev., colonial chaplain at Malacca, 126
Birch, Mr., his murder at Passir Salah, 270
Birds, the, of the Peninsula, 10, 11
Bird-scaring, 341.
Blachang, a Malay condiment, 180
Buffaloes, water, 274
Bukit Berapit pass, 350, 351
Bukit Gantang lotus lake, 352
Bukit Jugra, 226; reception by the Sultan Abdulsamat, 230
Burdon, Bishop and Mrs., 32, 36
Butterflies, 350
CANGUE, punishment of the, 68, 79
Canton, first impressions of, 43, 46; streets, 46; drains and barricades, 47; watchmen, 47; constabulary, 48; public buildings, temples, 49; signboards, 49; dwelling-houses, 50; ghastly gifts, 50; junks and boats, 55; city of house-boats, 56; the Five-storied Pagoda, 58; the Wall, 59; Tartar City, 60; street sights (and sounds, 61; costumes, 62; food and restaurants, 63; bridal procession, 64; the “Beggars’ Square,” 64; temples and worship, 65; crippled feet, 66; the Naam-Hoi prison, 67–80; the Ma T’au, 80–85.
Capitans China, the, 190, 191
Chinese, the, in the Peninsula, 17
Cholen, an Anamese town, 100; burial-ground, 103
Choquan, a Cochin - Chinese village, 96; interior of a house, 97–99
Cobra, a, 223
Coffee-planting in PĂȘrak, 357
DATU BANDAR, 202; his house, 202, 203
Debt-slavery, 358–360, 370–379
Dindings islands, the, 249; scene of Mr. Lloyd’s murder, 250
Douglas, Mr. Bloomfield, Resident at Klang, 217
Dragon-Play, a Chinese, 201
Dris, Rajah, 320; his house, 325
EBLIS, the small ape at Kwala Kangsa, 307; his illness, 335, 346; recovery, death, 366
Elephants, “at home,” 278; ugliness, 297; mode of riding, 298; a Royal one, 310; described, 316; swimming the PĂȘrak...

Table des matiĂšres