SAP Workflow
eBook - ePub

SAP Workflow

Sudipta Malakar

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eBook - ePub

SAP Workflow

Sudipta Malakar

DĂ©tails du livre
Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

Demystifying "SAP Business Automation" and shape tangible use cases that add values to your organisation, Customers & Business Key Features

  • Examples, problem solutions, and tips and tricks for daily practice are given in a simple manner.
  • Learn the Troubleshooting & performance optimization techniques
  • Get to know the Hard coding – Categorization & Recommendations
  • SAP Business Workflow Introduction, Terminology, Function Modules and Reports are given in a simple form.

The book has been written in such a way that the concepts are explained in detail, giving adequate emphasis on examples. To make clarity of the programming examples, logic is explained properly as well discussed using comments in program itself. The book covers the topics right from the start of the software using snapshots of starting the software and writing programs into it. The real-time examples are discussed in detail from simple to complex taking into consideration the requirement of IT consultants. Various sample projects are included in the Book and are written in simple language so as to give IT consultants the basic idea of developing projects in SAP. The examples given in book are user-focused and have been highly updated including topics, figures and examples.
The book features more on practical approach with more examples covering topics from simple to complex one addressing many of the core concepts and advance topics also. What Will You Learn

  • SAP NetWeaver Gateway
  • Realtime Case Study and demos on workflow for all the major SAP applications
  • Step-by-step instructions for adapting data flows, agent determination, event definitions, and more
  • SAP Workflow upgrade from 4.6 to 6.0

  • Who This Book Is For
    SAP Consultants, SAP technical, Business analysts, Architects, Team Leads, Project Leads, Project Managers, Account Manager, Account Executives, CEO, CTO, COO, CIO, Sr. VP, Directors. Table of Contents
  • SAP Business Workflow Introduction
  • SAP Business Workflow Terminology
  • SAP Workflow with Function Modules & Reports
  • SAP Workflow Review Checklist
  • Demo- SAP Workflow for Credit Memos
  • Demo- SAP Business Workflow Substitution
  • Demo - When a FI Document is Parked then Trigger Custom Workflow
  • Demo - Goods Returns Workflow
  • Demo- Workflow for MRP Purchase Requisitions
  • Workflow Management System Best Practices
  • Earn Value - Overview
  • Basic Data Services Using SAP NetWeaver Gateway 2.0
  • SAP NetWeaver Gateway- Transaction Codes Usage and Purpose
  • SAP NetWeaver Gateway Basic Configuration
  • Demo- Workflow Trigger Using HR Tables
  • Demo- Workflow Trigger using Status Management
  • Demo- Leave Request
  • Demo- Integration of Portal and SAP Workflow
  • Demo- Integration of Workflow with ALE
  • Demo- Attach link in send mail Step of a Workflow
  • Case Study - Advance Workflow Design- Update Sales Document
  • Case Study - SAP Workflow Upgrade from 4.6 to 6.0
  • Quiz Session - SAP Workflow
  • About the Author
    Sudipta Malakar is an accomplished IT SAP Project Manager, Program Manager, Agile Coach with 15+ years of experience in directing SAP DEV teams in supporting many major fortune 500 clients in multiple large accounts that include more than 7 years of experience in IT Project/Program & Solution Delivery Management and 5+ years of experience in Agile as SCRUM Master, Agile Coach.

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Table des matiĂšres