Cost Estimating Manual for Pipelines and Marine Structures
eBook - ePub

Cost Estimating Manual for Pipelines and Marine Structures

New Printing 1999

John S. Page

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  1. 336 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Cost Estimating Manual for Pipelines and Marine Structures

New Printing 1999

John S. Page

DĂ©tails du livre
Aperçu du livre
Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

From the Book - Preface: This manual has been compiled to provide time frames, labor crews and equipment spreads to assist the estimator in capsulizing an estimate for the installation of cross-country pipelines, marshland pipelines, nearshore and surf zone pipelines, submerged pipelines, wharfs, jetties, dock facilities, single-point morring terminals, offshore drilling and production platforms and equipment and appurtenances installed thereon. The time frames and labor and equipment spreads which appear throughout this manual are the result of many time and method studies conducted under varied conditions and at locations throughout the world; these time frames and labor and equipment spreads reflect a complete, unbiased view of all operations involved. When one is engaged in compiling an estimate from any information furnished by others, as is the case with this manual, he should view it in an objective light, giving due consideration to the nature of the project at hand and evaluating all items that may affect the productivity of labor and all other elements involved.

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Section Seven


Time frames, in manhours required for the installation of equipment, pre-fabricated piping spool tie-ins, electrical installations, and instrumentation installations on offshore structures, are included under this section. We have also included labor crew and equipment spread tables which we feel will meet maximum requirements for these installations.
The labor listed in the tables is for a double crew, each working a 12-hour shift, complementing a 24-hour day, utilizing the equipment spreads full time.
In applying the hours included in the following time frame tables, consideration must be given to items that will affect the overall pr...

Table des matiĂšres