Primate Anatomy
eBook - ePub

Primate Anatomy

An Introduction

Friderun Ankel-Simons

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  1. 752 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Primate Anatomy

An Introduction

Friderun Ankel-Simons

DĂ©tails du livre
Aperçu du livre
Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

Primate Anatomy is unlike ay other work on primates: it systematically reviews the biology of all living primates, including humans. It describes their bio-geographical information and provides crucial data pertaining to their body size, fur coloration external distinguishing features, habitat and basic life strategies.

Now in its third edition, Primate Anatomy discusses species that are new to science since the last edition with details concerning anatomical features among primates that were re-discovered. New research in molecular primatology is also included due to recent relevant findings in molecular biology in accordance with new technology. The basics of biological taxonomy are introduced, along with photographs of all major groups. Important new and controversal issues make this edition key for every primatologists, anthropologist, and anatomist.

  • Offers up-to-date reviews of molecular primatology and primate genomics
  • Concentrates on living primates and their overall biology
  • Discusses the genetic connection of function where known
  • Introduces primate genomics for the first time in a textbook
  • Provides instructive and comprehensive review tables
  • Includes many unique, novel and easily understandable illustrations

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Academic Press
Chapter 1

Taxonomic List of Extant Primates

Publisher Summary

This chapter provides an introduction to primate that is one of the most diversified groups of living mammals, ranging from lemurs to humans. Members of the order have always been the focus of human curiosity, and many primates are astonishingly similar, both behaviorally and anatomically, to human beings, the most successful and progressive species of the order is Homo sapiens. The chapter provides a list of taxonomic names to become familiar with the wide variety and diversity of primates. This list is the foundation and necessary frame of reference for informed discussion about primates. The particular taxonomic place and common name of each species is helpful in increasing knowledge of primates and their characteristics.
New Developments
List of Extant Primates


The order Primates is one of the most diversified groups of living mammals, ranging from lemurs to humans. Members of the order have always been the focus of human curiosity, and many primates are astonishingly similar, both behaviorally and anatomically, to human beings, the most successful and progressive species of the order: Homo sapiens.
To become familiar with the wide variety and diversity of primates, it is helpful to look over the following list of taxonomic names. The rationale...

Table des matiĂšres