Strengthening Peace in Post-Civil War States
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Strengthening Peace in Post-Civil War States

Transforming Spoilers into Stakeholders

Matthew Hoddie, Caroline A. Hartzell, Matthew Hoddie, Caroline A. Hartzell

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eBook - PDF

Strengthening Peace in Post-Civil War States

Transforming Spoilers into Stakeholders

Matthew Hoddie, Caroline A. Hartzell, Matthew Hoddie, Caroline A. Hartzell

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À propos de ce livre

Among the more frequent and most devastating of conflicts, civil wars—from Yugoslavia to Congo—frequently reignite and even spill over into the international sphere. Given the inherent fragility of civil war peace agreements, innovative approaches must be taken to ensure the successful resolution of these conflicts. Strengthening Peace in Post­–Civil War States provides both analytical frameworks and a series of critical case studies demonstrating the effectiveness of a range of strategies for keeping the peace.Coeditors Matthew Hoddie and Caroline A. Hartzell here contend that lasting peace relies on aligning the self-interest of individuals and communities with the society-wide goal of ending war; if citizens and groups have a stake in peace, they will seek to maintain and defend it. The rest of the contributors explore two complementary approaches toward achieving this goal: restructuring domestic institutions and soft intervention. Some essays examine the first tactic, which involves reforming governments that failed to prevent war, while others discuss the second, an umbrella term for a number of non-military strategies for outside actors to assist in keeping the peace.

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