Chaos and Fractals
eBook - PDF

Chaos and Fractals

A Computer Graphical Journey

C.A. Pickover, C.A. Pickover

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  1. 452 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF

Chaos and Fractals

A Computer Graphical Journey

C.A. Pickover, C.A. Pickover

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À propos de ce livre

These days computer-generated fractal patterns are everywhere, from squiggly designs on computer art posters to illustrations in the most serious of physics journals. Interest continues to grow among scientists and, rather surprisingly, artists and designers. This book provides visual demonstrations of complicated and beautiful structures that can arise in systems, based on simple rules. It also presents papers on seemingly paradoxical combinations of randomness and structure in systems of mathematical, physical, biological, electrical, chemical, and artistic interest. Topics include: iteration, cellular automata, bifurcation maps, fractals, dynamical systems, patterns of nature created through simple rules, and aesthetic graphics drawn from the universe of mathematics and art.

Chaos and Fractals is divided into six parts: Geometry and Nature; Attractors; Cellular Automata, Gaskets, and Koch Curves; Mandelbrot, Julia and Other Complex Maps; Iterated Function Systems; and Computer Art.

Additionally, information on the latest practical applications of fractals and on the use of fractals in commercial products such as the antennas and reaction vessels is presented. In short, fractals are increasingly finding application in practical products where computer graphics and simulations are integral to the design process. Each of the six sections has an introduction by the editor including the latest research, references, and updates in the field. This book is enhanced with numerous color illustrations, a comprehensive index, and the many computer program examples encourage reader involvement.

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