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Principles Characterizing Physical and Chemical Processes

Jurgen M. Honig, J. M. Honig, J. M. Honig

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  1. 608 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF


Principles Characterizing Physical and Chemical Processes

Jurgen M. Honig, J. M. Honig, J. M. Honig

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À propos de ce livre

This book provides a concise overview of thermodynamics, and is written in a manner which makes the difficult subject matter understandable. Thermodynamics is systematic in its presentation and covers many subjects that are generally not dealt with in competing books such as: Carathéodory's approach to the Second Law, the general theory of phase transitions, the origin of phase diagrams, the treatment of matter subjected to a variety of external fields, and the subject of irreversible thermodynamics.The book provides a first-principles, postulational, self-contained description of physical and chemical processes. Designed both as a textbook and as a monograph, the book stresses the fundamental principles, the logical development of the subject matter, and the applications in a variety of disciplines. This revised edition is based on teaching experience in the classroom, and incorporates many exercises in varying degrees of sophistication. The stress laid on a didactic, logical presentation, and on the relation between theory and experiment should provide a reader with a more intuitive understanding of the basic principles.Graduate students and professional chemists in physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry, as well as graduate students and professionals in physics who wish to acquire a more sophisticated overview of thermodynamics and related subject matter will find this book extremely helpful.

  • Takes the reader through various steps to understanding
  • Review of fundamentals
  • Development of subject matter
  • Applications in a variety of disciplines

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Academic Press

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