Environmental Science Theory
eBook - PDF

Environmental Science Theory

Concepts and Methods in a One-World, Problem-Oriented Paradigm

W.T. de Groot

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  1. 581 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF

Environmental Science Theory

Concepts and Methods in a One-World, Problem-Oriented Paradigm

W.T. de Groot

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À propos de ce livre

Having no competitive works, this unique publication presents a single structure for the analysis, explanation and solution of environmental problems, regardless of their location, nature or scale.

In this problem-oriented approach, a coherent framework interconnects the study of facts and values, environmental systems, social causes and ethical premises. Counterbalancing current biases, the author emphasizes the fundamental, normative, economic and social-scientific aspects of truly interdisciplinary environmental science. For instance, the normative side of environmental problems are often neglected, resulting in policy designs and evaluations containing inefficient mixtures of sophisticated models and poorly grounded normative premises; this is the first major study to enrich the field with more normative consistency and groundedness. It is also the first text to consistently identify the social causes of environmental problems, rather than focusing on the physical-scientific aspects, and thus design deeper and more effective policies. Furthermore, a tinge of post-modern thinking runs throughout the book, with special care being taken, however, to constantly keep in view the practical relevance of theory for problem-oriented work.

The book will be of interest to environmental scientists and managers wishing to improve the consistency and depth of their work, to social scientists and geographers wishing to connect their discipline to the environmental problems field, and to general scientists interested in the connections between philosophy and practice.

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