Problems in Management of Locally Abundant Wild Mammals
eBook - PDF

Problems in Management of Locally Abundant Wild Mammals

P.A. Jewell

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  1. 360 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF

Problems in Management of Locally Abundant Wild Mammals

P.A. Jewell

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À propos de ce livre

Problems in Management of Locally Abundant Wild Mammals contains the proceedings of the Management of Locally Abundant Wild Mammals: A Workshop to Examine the Need for and Alternatives to the Culling of Wild Animals, held in Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts from September 29 to October 3, 1980. Contributors reexamine the scientific basis for possible management aimed at restraining local increase in numbers of locally abundant wild mammals, with emphasis on the issue of culling. This text is organized into six sections encompassing 19 chapters and begins with an overview of the dilemma of local overabundance or overpopulation of threatened mammals. In particular, it considers the extent to which past predictions have been fulfilled in practice, and whether understanding of the dynamics of living systems is adequate for useful prediction. This book also discusses the circumstances that allow a species to become so abundant and the adverse effects that arise. The chapters that follow present case studies that reflect experiences around the world concerning management of locally abundant mammals, including the white rhino in South Africa and deer in North America. This book also explores proposed solutions for problems involving the management of polar bear, the Northwest Atlantic humpback whale, and the British grey seal. This reference material is a valuable resource for zoologists, conservation biologists, and those with interest in the protection of wild mammals.

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