Narrating the City
eBook - ePub
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Narrating the City

Mediated Representations of Architecture, Urban Forms and Social Life

AyƟegĂŒl Akçay Kavakoğlu, TĂŒrkan Nihan Hacıömeroğlu, Lisa Landrum, Graham Cairns, AyƟegĂŒl Akçay Kavakolu, TĂŒrkan Nihan Hacıömerolu, Lisa Landrum

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  1. 224 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub
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Narrating the City

Mediated Representations of Architecture, Urban Forms and Social Life

AyƟegĂŒl Akçay Kavakoğlu, TĂŒrkan Nihan Hacıömeroğlu, Lisa Landrum, Graham Cairns, AyƟegĂŒl Akçay Kavakolu, TĂŒrkan Nihan Hacıömerolu, Lisa Landrum

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À propos de ce livre

Analysing a variety of international films and, ultimately, placing them in dialogue with video art, photographic narratives and emerging digital image-based technologies, the contributions explore the expanding range of 'mediated' narratives of contemporary architecture and urban culture from both a media and a sociological standpoint. Each chapter presents an interesting critical approach to the diversity of topics with clear explanation of the contextual framework and methodology, and a consistent depth of analysis.

In the three sections of the book, authors underline the continual role of film and media in creating moving image narratives of the city, identifying how it creates cinematic – and ever more frequently digital – topographies of contemporary urban culture and architecture, re-presenting familiar cities, modes of seeing, cultures and social questions in unfamiliar ways. This filmic emphasis is placed into dialogue with a more diverse range of related visual media, which illustrates the overlaps between them and reveals how moving image technologies create unique visual topographies of contemporary urban culture and architecture.

In making this shift from the filmic to the new age of digital image making and alternative modes of image consumption, the book not only reveals new techniques of representation, mediation and the augmentation of sensorial reality for city dwellers; its emphasis on 'narrative' offers insights into critical societal issues. These include cultural identity, diversity, memory and spatial politics, as they are both informed by and represented in various media.

The focus for the book is on how films can produce mediation of urban life and culture by connecting the notions of identity, diversity and memory. Both the subject and the approach are gaining in popularity in recent years. This book's main feature is its dual perspective, involving both practical and theoretical stances – and it is this approach that makes it a particularly relevant and original contribution.

Primary readership will be academics, scholars, undergraduate and postgraduate students and practitioners interested in architecture and media in general, film, moving images, urban studies in particular. Also of relevance to sociologists and those interested in cultural theory. The inclusion of chapters on urban photography and art installations may also be of interest to students and designers in these areas.

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Intellect Books

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