Conflict and Command
eBook - ePub

Conflict and Command

Civil War History Readers, Volume 1

John T. Hubbell

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  1. 384 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Conflict and Command

Civil War History Readers, Volume 1

John T. Hubbell

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À propos de ce livre

Fifteen groundbreaking essays from Albert Castel, Gary Gallagher, Mark Neely, Richard M. McMurry, and others

For more than sixty years the journal Civil War History has presented the best original scholarship in the study of America's greatest struggle. The Kent State University Press is pleased to present a multivolume series reintroducing the most influential of the more than 500 articles published in the journal. From military command, strategy, and tactics, to political leadership, abolitionism, the draft, and women's issues, from the war's causes to its aftermath and Reconstruction, Civil War History has published pioneering and provocative analyses of the determining aspects of the Middle Period.

In this inaugural volume historian John T. Hubbell, editor of Civil War History for thirty-five years until 2000, has selected fifteen seminal articles that treat military matters in a variety of contexts, including leadership, strategy, tactics, execution, and outcomes. He begins the volume with a general introduction and introduces each piece with an assessment of its enduring contribution to our understanding.

Those with an interest in the officers and men, logistics and planning, and execution and outcomes of the battles in America's bloodiest conflict will welcome this essential collection.

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Aaron, Daniel, 49
Adams, Charles Francis, 226–27, 253
Adams, Daniel W., 342
Adams, Henry A., 71, 72–73
Adams, John, 344
Adams, Michael C. C., 54
Adams, Wirt, 259
Alabama: area of included in C.S. Department of the West, 196, 200; climate in, 258, 262; conscription in, 197; C.S. strategy in, 216; C.S. operations in, 177, 216, 217–18, 220; troops from, 70, 107, 341–42; U.S. operations in, 29, 152
Alexander, Bevin, 234
Alexander, B. S., 85
Alexander the Great, 47
Alexandria, Virginia, 113
Allan, William, 241
Allatoona, Battle of, 343
Allen, E. J., 108. See also Pinkerton, Allan
Ambrose, Stephen E., 45, 153
American Historical Review, 6
American Revolution. See War of [American] Independence
Anaconda Plan, 261, 337–38
Anderson, Archer, 225–26
Anderson, Patton, 211
Antietam, Battle of, 99; C.S. strategy and tactics at, 96, 189, 248, 251; estimates of troops at, 122, 123, 126, 129; fascination of civilizations with, 3–4, 13; U.S. strategy and tactics at, 95–96, 101, 129, 323
Appomattox Court House, Battle of, 235, 245
Arkansas: C.S. strategy in, 178–79, 183–84, 191, 197; politics in, 182; troops from, 181
Arlington, Virginia, 227
Army of the James, 293, 294, 296, 299, 300, 307
Army of Mississippi, 196–97
Army of Northern Virginia, 263, 343; class composition of, 269–83; fragility of, 240, 311; Grant’s strategy toward, 287, 291, 294, 296, 298, 303, 305–6, 308–9; historical appraisals of, 224, 226, 227, 231, 239; Lee and, 239, 244–46, 321; Pennsylvania invasion of, 246–48, 252; size estimates of, 104–26, 131
Army of the Cumberland, 324
Army of the Potomac, 104, 108, 245; at Antietam, 95–100; Burnside replaces McClellan as commander of, 99; Grant’s crossing of the James with, 285, 288, 289–90, 292, 293, 295–99, 303, 306, 308, 309; Lee’s strategy ...

Table des matiĂšres