Everyday Las Vegas
eBook - ePub

Everyday Las Vegas

Local Life in a Tourist Town

Rex J. Rowley

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eBook - ePub

Everyday Las Vegas

Local Life in a Tourist Town

Rex J. Rowley

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Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

Every year, more than thirty-five million people from all over the world visit Las Vegas; only two million call the city home. Everyday Las Vegas takes a close look at the lives of those who live in a place the rest of the world considers exotic, even decadent. Using broad research, including interviews with more than one hundred Las Vegans, Rex Rowley--who grew up in Las Vegas--examines everyday life in a place that markets itself as an escape from mundane reality.Rowley considers such topics as why people move to Las Vegas, the nature of their work and personal lives, the impact of growth and rapid change, and interaction with the overwhelmingly touristic side of the city. He also considers the benefits and perils of living in a nonstop twenty-four-hour city rich in entertainment options and easy access to gambling, drugs, and other addictions. His examination includes the previously unstudied role of neighborhood casinos patronized by locals rather than tourists and the impact that a very mobile population has on schools, churches, and community life.Rowley considers the very different ways people perceive a place as insiders or outsiders, a dichotomy that arises when tourism is a mainstay of the local economy. His work offers insights into what Las Vegas can teach us about other cities and American culture in general. It also contributes to our understanding of how people relate to places and how the personality of a place influences the lives of people who live there.

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Note: Page numbers below refer to the print version of the text, not the electronic version. Italicized pages refer to figures or maps
adult entertainment, 77, 154, 159–60, 174–80, 182–85, 187, 190–91, 199–202, 204. See also gambling/gaming; tourism
African Americans in Las Vegas, 34–35, 82
agriculture in Las Vegas Valley, 19–21, 23, 38
Aguero, Jeremy, 216
Aladdin Hotel and Casino, 136
Alamo, Nevada, 183
Allen, Marshall, 148
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 176–77
American Nevada Corporation, 90
Apex, Nevada, 37, 39–40
Arizona, 20, 51, 89
Armijo, Antonio, 17–18
Arts District, downtown Las Vegas, 35, 59, 61, 211, 215
Arts Factory, 211
Atlanta, Georgia, 85
atomic testing, 30–31, 136
attachment to place. See place attachment
Basic Magnesium, Inc. (BMI), 26, 31, 90, 93
Basic townsite, 26
Basin and Range physiographic province, 43
Basket Makers, 16–17
Beckwith, Frank, 189, 196
Bellagio Hotel and Casino, 35, 49, 133–34, 175, 210
belonging. See place attachment
Beville, John, 57
Big Springs, 18–19, 42. See also springs in Las Vegas Valley
Big Spring Range, 39
Biltmore (neighborhood), 27
Binion, Benny, 137
Binion's Horseshoe Casino, 65, 137, 147, 166
Black Mountain, 26, 88, 97
Black Mountain Industrial Complex, 31. See also Basic Magnesium, Inc. (BMI)
Block 16, 23–24, 26
Blue Diamond Road, 108–9, 119–20
Blue Man Group, 149–50
Borchard, Kurt, 69
Boulder Canyon Act, 24
Boulder City, Nevada, 9–10, 24–25, 51

Table des matiĂšres