Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits (Harriman Definitive Edition)
eBook - ePub

Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits (Harriman Definitive Edition)

Richard Schabacker

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eBook - ePub

Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits (Harriman Definitive Edition)

Richard Schabacker

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À propos de ce livre

With a new foreword by Peter Brandt.Richard W. Schabacker's great work, Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits, is a worthy addition to any technical analyst's personal library or any market library. His "pioneering research" represents one of the finest works ever produced on technical analysis, and this book remains an example of the highest order of analytical quality and incisive trading wisdom.Originally devised as a practical course for investors, it is as alive, vital and instructional today as the day it was written. It paved the way for Robert Edwards and John Magee's best-selling Technical Analysis of Stock Trends - a debt which is acknowledged in their foreword: 'Part One is based in large part on the pioneer researches and writings of the late Richard Schabacker.'Schabacker presents technical analysis as a totally organized subject and comprehensively lays out the various important patterns, formations, trends, support and resistance areas, and associated supporting technical detail. He presents factors that can be confidently relied on, and gives equal attention to the blemishes and weaknesses that can upset the best of analytical forecasts: Factors which investors would do well to absorb and apply when undertaking the fascinating game of price, time and volume analysis.

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Harriman House


Accelerating Peak or Top
indicating strong continuation, 226
relation to Rounding Bottom, 226
trading on; 227
Ascending Triangle
as a reversal, 94
as continuation, 186
false move from, 356
resistance and support set up by, 321
double tops and bottoms in, 121
charts published by newspapers and magazines, 10, 11
patterns appearing, 70, 121, 382
rounding turns in, 70
support and resistance in, 307
uses of, 382
used in Dow Theory, 299
Bond Market
chart application to, 394
Bottom Formations
(See Reversal Formations)
away from support or resistance level, 330
Boundary Lines
construction of, on Triangles, 81
as a reversal formation (see Rounding Turn), 67
Break-away Gap
definition of, 252
at break through trend line, 286
caused by ex-dividend drops, 260
difficulty of immediate classification, 251
practical uses of, 252
part of Island pattern, 165, 256
relation to Continuation Gap, 254
support and resistance set up by, 326
use in multiple gap measuring formula; 348
Break-away Move
Indicating direction of move from Triangle, 76
Head and Shoulders, through neck-base line of, 50
from Triangle, 78, 181
from Inverted Triangle, 148
from Rectangle, 149, 195
of dormancy, 164
from Flags, 207, 210
from Pennants, 212
from trend, 284
qualifications for valid, 284, 360
early and late break-outs from Triangles compared, 87
from top and bottom reversal patterns compared, 201
reaction following, 94, 161, 168, 183, 289, 319, 323, 327
premature (see Out-of-line movement), 150, 152, 233
as a false move, 350
caused by ex-dividend drops, 260, 360
Gaps formed at, 250, 286, 360
volume action on, 78...

Table des matiĂšres