Teaching and Program Variations in International Business
eBook - ePub

Teaching and Program Variations in International Business

Erdener Kaynak, John R Schermerhorn, Jr

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  1. 164 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Teaching and Program Variations in International Business

Erdener Kaynak, John R Schermerhorn, Jr

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À propos de ce livre

Use the Internet and cutting-edge strategies to make your program more competitive! To remain competitive in an increasingly global economy, universities must develop effective strategies for teaching international business. A successful program can attract not only the best-qualified local students, but also top-notch students from other countries, enriching the formal curriculum with cultural diversity and building valuable multinational bonds among students. Teaching and Program Variations in International Business is an informative guide to successful strategies for teaching international business. It draws on the practical experience of several highly respected international business programs, as well as research into students'perceptions of their university experiences. This book covers many aspects of designing an international business curriculum, from the most effective ways to organize international fieldwork to the differences between foreign and domestic students'expectations of the university. In addition, it offers solid information on encouraging cross-cultural awareness and cooperation. Teaching and Program Variations in International Business is an invaluable guide to many areas of teaching international business and will give you a working knowledge of:

  • how to use advanced technologies to facilitate virtual teamwork among students in different countries
  • how to harness the Internet to provide an effective, low-cost experience of international cooperation and foreign cultures
  • how to integrate international field experience into a broader teaching strategy
  • what skills students need to operate effectively in other cultures
  • how you can foster global competence and teach critical managerial skills
  • the contrasts between the perspectives of developed and emerging countries
  • how to identify the essential components of a well-designed information system in a global environment Any university can teach the facts of international business. Only the best-prepared can teach the truths. Teaching and Program Variations in International Business can help you build a curriculum to help your students learn the truths of working in and with a different culture.

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