An Unspoken Art
eBook - ePub

An Unspoken Art

Profiles of Veterinary Life

Lee Gutkind

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  1. 226 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

An Unspoken Art

Profiles of Veterinary Life

Lee Gutkind

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Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

In the tradition of James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small, An Unspoken Art is Lee Gutkind's captivating look at the lives of veterinarians, from the zoos to the farm
Lee Gutkind, the godfather of creative nonfiction, explores with warmth and sincerity the worlds of modern-day veterinarians—from practitioners operating on Manhattan's Upper East Side to those working knee deep in mud in the English countryside. Gutkind profiles the men and women who have devoted their lives to the care of animals, almost all treating their patients with more humanity and compassion than physicians in human hospitals do. He writes of the people who do not bat an eye at sharing a bed with their dogs, and of those who spare no expense when it comes to the well-being of their pets.
An Unspoken Art is an insightful look at the individuals who dedicate themselves to the care of creatures, and of the enduring bond between people and animals.

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Open Road Media


A | B | C | D | E
F | G | H | I | J
K | L | M | N | O
P | R | S | T
U | V | W | X | Z
AccuProbe, 19
acupuncture, 29
AIDS research, 72, 73
Allan, Jonathan, 71–73
All Creatures Great and Small (Herriot), 4, 165
American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, 11, 36
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), 66, 69
American Zookeepers Association, 182
Amling, A., Jr., 169
amputations, 45
anesthesia, dangers of, 161
anesthesiologists, 121
Animal Medical Center (AMC), 25
Annabelle (dog), 37, 39–40, 43
Antigone (cat), 37
Anuszkiewicz, Mary Ann, 192
aphonia, 132
aquatic animal care, 167–71, 175–76
artificial insemination
cows, 153–54
horses, 149–50
ashes of deceased pets kept by owners, 33, 43, 44, 83–84
Asoka, King, 61
Attas, Amy, 8, 9–17, 36–37, 210, 215
Austin (dog), 43–44
autopsies, 115–16
aviator veterinarians, 65
baboons, 71–72
Baby Cat, 29–31, 41, 42, 46, 54–55, 58, 208, 209
Bassage, Lance, 113–14, 116
Beau (dog), 31–33
Belgium, 65
Bentz, Brad, 69–70
Berman, Lewis, 24
biophilia, 7, 15
birds, 195–98
birthing problems, 136–38
Biscuit (dog), 44–45
bison, 180
blowpipes, 188
bongos, 177, 203–4
Bonner, Jim, 197, 198
boxers, 45
Bramson, Arthur, 2, 71
Brown, Tom, 192
bulldogs, 86–87
Bumper (dog), 15–16
Cam Fella (horse), 7, 18–20
cancer treatment
cats, 12–13, 29–31
dogs, 43–44, 45
horses, 18–20
sea turtles, 167–70
“Cap-Chur” rifles, 188
carfentanil citrate, 190
Carter, Arthur, 12–13
castration, 19, 106
Cathy (dog), 45–46
cat owners. see pet owners
cancer treatment, 12–13, 29–31
city life, 24–25
control techniques for examinations, 84
foreign-body cases, 27
funny stories about, 95
ICU care ...

Table des matiĂšres