Management of Data Center Networks
eBook - ePub

Management of Data Center Networks

Nadjib Aitsaadi

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eBook - ePub

Management of Data Center Networks

Nadjib Aitsaadi

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Discover state-of-the-art developments in DCNs from leading international voices in the field

In Management of Data Center Networks, accomplished researcher and editor Dr. Nadjib Aitsaadi delivers a rigorous and insightful exploration of the network management challenges that present within intra- and inter-data center networks, including reliability, routing, and security. The book also discusses new architectures found in data center networks that aim to minimize the complexity of network management while maximizing Quality of Service, like Wireless/Wired DCNs, server-only DCNs, and more.

As DCNs become increasingly popular with the spread of cloud computing and multimedia social networks employing new transmission technologies like 5G wireless and wireless fiber, the editor provides readers with chapters written by world-leading authors on topics like routing, the reliability of inter-data center networks, energy management, and security.

The book also offers:

  • A thorough overview of the architectures of data center networks, including the classification of switch-centric, server-centric, enhanced, optical, and wireless DCN architectures
  • An exploration of resource management in wired and wireless data center networks, including routing and wireless channel allocation and assignment challenges and criteria
  • Practical discussions of inter-data center networks, including an overview of basic virtual network embedding
  • Examinations of energy and security management in data center networks

Perfect for academic and industrial researchers studying the optimization of data center networks, Management of Data Center Networks is also an indispensable guide for anyone seeking a one-stop resource on the architectures, protocols, security, and tools required to effectively manage data centers.

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Architectures of Data Center Networks: Overview

Boutheina Dab1, 2, Ilhem Fajjari3, Dallal Belabed4, and Nadjib Aitsaadi5
1 VMware, Hauts‐de‐Seine, La Defense, France
2 LiSSi Lab, UPEC, Val de Marne, Vitry sur Seine, France
3 Orange Labs, Orange, Hauts‐de‐Seine, Chatillon, France
4 Airbus Defense and Space, Airbus, Saint‐Quentin en Yvelines, Elancourt, France
5 UniversitĂ©s Paris‐Saclay, UVSQ, DAVID, F‐78035, Versailles, France


To deal with the widespread use of cloud services and the unprecedented traffic growth, the scale of the Data Center has importantly increased. Therefore, it is crucial to design novel efficient network architectures able to satisfy the requirements on bandwidth. As a key physical infrastructure, Data Center Network (DCN) designing has widely been a hot research focus.
This chapter reviews the main DCN architectures propounded in the literature. To do so, a taxonomy of DCN designs will be proposed, while analyzing in depth each structure of the given classification. Then, we will provide a qualitative comparison between these different DCN groups. Finally, we will present hybrid DCN architecture based on wired and wireless architecture.

1.1 Taxonomy of DCN Architectures

In this section, we present a taxonomy of the existent Data Center Network (DCN) architectures with a detailed review of each drawn class. In general, several criteria have to be considered to design robust DCNs, namely, high network performance, efficient resource utilization, full available bandwidth, high scalability, easy cabling, etc. To deal with the aforementioned challenges, a panoply of solutions have been designed. Mainly, we can distinguish two research directions. In the first one, wired DCN architectures have been upgraded to build advanced cost‐effective topologies able to scale up data centers. The second approach has resorted to deploying new network techniques within the existing DCN so as to handle the challenges encountered in the prior architectures. Hereafter, we will give a detailed taxonomy of these techniques.

1.1.1 Classification of DCN Architectures

With regard to the aforementioned research directions, we can identify three main groups of DCN architectures, namely, switch‐centric DCN, server‐centric DCN, and enhanced DCN. Each group includes a variety of categories that we will detail hereafter.
  • Switch‐centric DCN architecture: switches are, mostly, responsible for network‐related functions, whereas the servers handle processing tasks. The focus of such a design is to improve the topology so as to increase network scale, reduce oversubscription, and speed up flow transmission. Switch‐centric architectures can be classified into three main categories according to their structural properties:
    1. Traditional tree‐based DCN architecture: represents a specific kind of switch‐centric architecture, where switches are linked in a multiroo...

Table des matiĂšres