Lamenting Racism Participant Journal
eBook - ePub

Lamenting Racism Participant Journal

A Christian Response to Racial Injustice

Rob Muthiah

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  1. 48 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Lamenting Racism Participant Journal

A Christian Response to Racial Injustice

Rob Muthiah

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À propos de ce livre

This book accompanies a six-part streamed video series available only on

Racism feeds on denial. Lament moves us to tell the truth. And the truth can set us free. Stories of racial injustice fill our news feeds. Yet for too long many in the church have been hesitant to speak up about racism in its many forms. We fear offending others, of using the wrong words, of not knowing what to say. In Lamenting Racism, a team of leading pastors and theologians invite us into the transformative and motivating practice of biblical lament as a powerful way to confront racism. Through their conversations in six thought-provoking videos, they name that God's people of every race are called to consider how we have been shaped and formed by race, and they guide us into experiencing lament as an anti-racism practice. Encouragingcongregations to reclaim the lost art of biblical lament, these pastors and theologians model a powerful way to pour out the fear, shame, grief, and rage of racism as we cry out to God in prayer. In the process, we will be transformed and motivated to reclaim hope and to act for a world shaped by God's inclusive vision of love and blessing. This six-session study invites church groups to engage in the practice of biblical lament as a powerful tool in the church's struggle against racism. Purchase of the Lamenting Racism Video Access includes licensing for group viewings of up to 50 people. If you wish to show the videos to groups larger than 50, please purchase according to the size of the group (example: a group of 200 should purchase a quantity of 4). The participant journals (in every format) are intended for individual use. The Lamenting Racism videos and books may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form, by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission.

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Herald Press

Table des matiĂšres