Time Series Modelling in Earth Sciences
eBook - ePub

Time Series Modelling in Earth Sciences

B.K. Sahu

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  1. 294 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Time Series Modelling in Earth Sciences

B.K. Sahu

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À propos de ce livre

Including the latest theories and applications of time series modelling, this book is intended for students, faculties and professionals with a background in multivariate statistics.
Highlighting linear methods to yield ARIMA, SARIMA models and their multivariate (vector) extensions, the text also draws attention to non-linear methods, as well as state-space, dynamic linear, wavelet, volatility and long memory models. Also included are several solved case studies and exercises from the fields of mining, ore genesis, earthquakes, and climatology.

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CRC Press



The Earth is a dynamic planet with optimal size as well as distance from Sun, the centre of its revolution. The optimal distance from the Sun enables Earth to obtain adequate heat for the development and sustenance of organic life at its surface, hydrosphere and regolith. Simultaneously, it is not near enough to the Sun to lose its atmosphere and hydrosphere, which generate the deterministic climatic seasons, depending on its position in its revolution path.
The Earth is large enough to have its gravity field together with internal energies of heat resulting from chemical reactions, mechanical processes and radioactive decay of radioactive elements. Internal processes are manifested through irregular tectonic cycles along with associated basinal, magmatic and metamorphic cycles.
We are well acquainted with different surficial processes such as sediment transport/deposition by rivers, wind action, oceanic waves and currents, and glaciers. These surficial processes are due ultimately to gravity and/or the Sun’s heat energy. However, dynamic movements due to the Earth's internal energy are not visulized at the surface but its effects are seen later, in terms of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tectonic movements resulting in basin and mountain fromation, folding/faulting, etc. Therefore, the surficial and internal dynamic processes together form the components of the Earth systems, which contain many sub-systems of interest in Earth scie...

Table des matiĂšres