BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Practice Management and Development
eBook - PDF

BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Practice Management and Development

Clarke, Carole, Chapman, Marion

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eBook - PDF

BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Practice Management and Development

Clarke, Carole, Chapman, Marion

DĂ©tails du livre
Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

This is more than just a management book. Written by a range of experienced authors who have designed and built surgeries, managed veterinary staff, bought and used the equioment and 'cleaned the floors', this Manual brings ideas and guidelines that will be useful in improving and running a small animal veterinary business, whether established or new. Following a brief foray into the construction planning process, each area of the practice, both clinical and non-clinical, is considered in detail - its design, equipment and maintenance, and the oragnization and management of the clinical and support teams. The second part of the Manual deals with communication and people management issues, including leadership skills and self-management, together with the ethical and legal framework within which vets and vet nurses work. Thirdly, the business aspects of veterinary practice are explored, including planning, finance, marketing, the client experience and clinical governance. As well as being a daily source of information for veterinary surgeons and managers in companion animal practice, the Manual will help support studies for certificates in practice management. It will also aid preparation for PSS and VMD inspections, and will be of benefit to all practitioners wanting to improve their quality of service, premises and facilities, and the management of their clinical and support teams. Examples of forms, protocols and SOPs are given throughout and the book has a wealth of images to complement and enhance the text. The first BSAVA Manual of Practice Improvement was published in 1972; this completely new Manual will inspire and support a new generation of veterinary surgeons in their careers in small animal practice.

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Table des matiĂšres