Rabbi with a Cause: Israel and Identity - A Conversation with David J. Goldberg
eBook - ePub

Rabbi with a Cause: Israel and Identity - A Conversation with David J. Goldberg

Howard Burton

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eBook - ePub

Rabbi with a Cause: Israel and Identity - A Conversation with David J. Goldberg

Howard Burton

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À propos de ce livre

This book is based on an in-depth conversation between Howard Burton and David J. Goldberg (1939-2019), former Senior Rabbi Emeritus of London's Liberal Jewish Synagogue and author and columnist. This wide-ranging conversation is based on Goldberg's book, This Is Not The Way: Jews, Judaism and Israel, which boldly explores a number of themes that interweave religion, politics, culture and identity in a way that is relevant to all of us, regardless of our cultural background or religious orientation. For many of us, caught as we are between love of tradition and the allure of contemporary liberal values, maintaining a coherent sense of personal identity is a highly delicate task indeed but Rabbi Goldberg has consistently been willing to meet the challenge head-on as explored in this thought-provoking discussion. This carefully-edited book includes an introduction, Chasing Ourselves, and questions for discussion at the end of each chapter: I. This Is Not The Way - Motivations and responsesII. Jewish Values - Freedom and JusticeIII. Who is a Jew? - The logic of self-identificationIV. Cultural Judaism - Beyond religious sentimentsV. Ever Striving - Multiculturalism, tolerance and losing interfaithAbout Ideas Roadshow Conversations: This book is part of a series of 100 Ideas Roadshow Conversations. Presented in an accessible, conversational format, Ideas Roadshow books not only explore frontline academic research featuring world-leading researchers but also reveal the inspirations and personal journeys behind the research.

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