Edgar Allan Poe: The Complete Collection
eBook - ePub

Edgar Allan Poe: The Complete Collection

Edgar Allan Poe

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eBook - ePub

Edgar Allan Poe: The Complete Collection

Edgar Allan Poe

DĂ©tails du livre
Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

This volume collects the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe.THE TALESMetzengerstein, The Duc de L'Omelette, A Tale of Jerusalem, Loss of Breath, Bon-Bon, Ms. Found in a Bottle, The Assignation, Berenice, Morella, Lionizing, The Unparalleled Adventures of One Hans Pfaal, King Pest, Shadow—A Parable, etc.THE POEMSPoetry, O, Tempora! O, Mores!, Tamerlane, Song, Dreams, Spirits of the Dead, Evening Star, Imitation, Stanzas, A Dream, The Happiest Day, The Lake —— to ——, To Margaret, Alone, Sonnet—to Science, Al Aaraaf, Romance, To ——, To the River——, To M——, Fairy-Land, To Isaac Lea, An Acrostic, Elizabeth, To Helen, Israfel, The City in the Sea, The Sleeper, etc.THE NOVELSNarrative of A. Gordon Pym, The Journal of Julius Rodman.THE ESSAYSPaléstine, Maelzel's Chess-Player, Letter to B——, American Novel-Writing, The Capitol at Washington, Instinct vs Reason—A Black Cat, The Philosophy of Furniture, Morning on the Wissahiccon, Some Account of Stonehenge, The Giant's Dance, A Druidical Ruin in England, A Few Words on Secret Writing, Exordium, Harper's Ferry, The Balloon-Hoax, etc.THE MISCELLANEAAutography, Pinakidia, Literary Small Talk, Intemperance, A Chapter on Science and Art, Cabs, Omniana, Prospectus of The Penn Magazine, Autobiographical Note, A Chapter on Autography, Prospectus of The Stylus, Souvenirs of Youth, The Head of St. John The Baptist, Doings of Gotham, A Moving Chapter, Desultory Notes on Cats, A Chapter of Suggestions, Marginalia, The Literati, Mr. Poe's Reply to Mr. English and Others, Fifty Suggestions, Preface to "Tamerlane And Minor Poems, " Prologue to "The Folio Club", Prefaces and Introduction to "The Conchologist's First Book, " Preface to "Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, " Preface to "The Raven and Other Poems."THE PLAYPolitian.THE CRITICISMThe Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, vols. 8-13, ed. by James A. Harrison, Thomas Y. Crowell & Company 1902.THE LETTERSThe Letters of Edgar Allan Poe, 2nd edition, 2 vols., ed. by J. W. Ostrom, The Gordian Press 1966.

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Table des matiĂšres