Automatic Wealth for Grads... and Anyone Else Just Starting Out
eBook - PDF

Automatic Wealth for Grads... and Anyone Else Just Starting Out

Michael Masterson

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eBook - PDF

Automatic Wealth for Grads... and Anyone Else Just Starting Out

Michael Masterson

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À propos de ce livre

"Michael Masterson has personally helped more people achieve financial independence than anyone else I know. He has been a valuable mentor in my own life. Michael's credentials go far beyond the fact that he is an extremely successful businessman. (There are thousands of those.) He has a unique gift for discerning—and explaining in easily accessible terms—what it really takes to succeed. Automatic Wealth for Grads will give any young person a tremendous headstart for achieving their financial and professional goals at a very young age."
—Justin Ford, author of Seeds of Wealth: An Incredible Wealth-Building Plan for Your Children and Editor of Main Street Millionaire

"Only time will tell whether you will have the guts and honor to follow Masterson's masterful plan. Good luck!"
—From the foreword by Mark Skousen, Adjunct Professor, Columbia University, 2004-05 and Benjamin Franklin Chair of Management, Grantham University

Organized around proven wealth-creating principles, this invaluable guide reveals powerful techniques and strategies that have personally worked for Michael Masterson as well as for the many people he's helped become wealthy and successful.

Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, Automatic Wealth for Grads will show you how to:

  • Choose a great career, get your first job, and rise to the top of your field
  • Continuously increase your income on a fast-track basis, and get the biggest raises of your life
  • Profit from the real estate market—even in today's uncertain market
  • Start or gain equity in a business that will provide an automatic future income stream
  • Invest in the stock market, save money on taxes, make purchases that appreciate, reduce your credit costs, and achieve financial independence while you are still young enough to enjoy your money

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