Awakening the Leader Within
eBook - PDF

Awakening the Leader Within

A Story of Transformation

Kevin Cashman, Jack Forem

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eBook - PDF

Awakening the Leader Within

A Story of Transformation

Kevin Cashman, Jack Forem

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À propos de ce livre

Kevin Cashman, one of the world's leading executive coaches, takes readers on a transformative journey to a new way of leading and a new way of living

"Once you start reading Awakening the Leader Within, you won't set it down. Cashman doesn't let you off the hook until you contemplate how you will live your life differently."
—Tom Debrowski, Executive Vice President, Worldwide Operations, Mattel, Inc.

Awakening the Leader Within guides readers through the Six Seeds of Growth, which Cashman has used to help thousands of business leaders change their personal and work lives for the better. He draws on his renowned executive coaching techniques in order to lead the reader on a path to self-discovery and personal betterment. Based on the premise that you need to grow the person in order to grow the leader, this inspirational and interactive story centers on Benson Quinn, a CEO facing a deluge of personal and professional crises. As Quinn confronts the defining moments of his life, the reader learns valuable lessons about authentic and purposeful leadership, applicable at home as well as in the boardroom. At a time when issues of business ethics crowd the headlines-causing many leaders to question whether profit should be a leader's only goal-the practical applications of this book are more timely than ever. Awakening the Leader Within has been endorsed by more than thirty CEOs, thought leaders, and bestselling authors.

Kevin Cashman (Minneapolis, MN) is the founder of LeaderSource, the nation's premier executive coaching consultancy. He has been featured in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Harvard Management Update, and Human Resource Executive. He has also been a contributing editor to Executive Excellence magazine.

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