Time Management is Life Management
eBook - ePub

Time Management is Life Management

Rinkal Sharma

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eBook - ePub

Time Management is Life Management

Rinkal Sharma

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À propos de ce livre

Time management sounds like a simple concept, but still almost 99% of people in this world struggle to manage their time at its best. And trust, this is very easy for you, and reward is huge.this is not a how-to book. Time management skill is a cognitive skill, and the cognitive errors are far too ingrained within us to be able to rid ourselves of them completely.not all time management techniques are suitable for everyone. We all don't work The same, so we don't all face the same time management issues. Therefore, different time management issues require different resolutions, and to do that it is important to know your prevailing time management method of dealing with work. This book helps you to find the most suited time management techniques for all categories of readers; be it student, professional, businessman. Sole objective of this book is to help readers in developing healthy relationships with time.

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Diamond Books


“Sometimes questions are more important than answers.”
— Nancy Willard
We’ve all heard ourselves saying it: “There’s never enough time!”
Let’s think about your work/life situation today, especially as it affects your time. If you’re like most people, your home, car, and ofïŹce are loaded with modern tools and data resources. You can stay on top of world news at every moment, reacting quickly to any problem or opportunity that may arise. With all modern technologies available for our disposal, ideally, we should be in better control of time in the current 21st Century in this digital age.
But, does the same happen with most of us? No
.never. We all need to question ourselves below three questions first, to understand clearly what is real problem.
Q1. Shortage of time in 21st Century
Have you ever wondered, why our ancestors never needed to do time management? Why do we need it anyway? Did our ancestors get 48 hours every day and we only get 24 hours a day only? But since the beginning of the 20th century, we are facing scarcity of time and this problem keeps on increasing day by day. It has rather invented so many fast devices.
We often get irritated, provoked, tense or lose our temper when we are not able to finish our work on time. We are always in hurry because of lack of time. Due to this, our blood pressure increases, our relationships suffer, our mental balance gets disturbed and sometimes even accidents occur. The fact is that shortage of time has become an unpleasant but unavoidable part of our lives. Have you ever thought, why we feel such a shortage of time nowadays?
Before 20th century, we had no cars, bikes or scooters but our ancestors were in no hurry to reach anywhere. Earlier, there were no mixers, food processors or microwaves but housewives were not in any hurry while cooking on earthen stoves or grinding spices on stone-slab earlier. There was no electricity, yet there was no need to work till late at night. Actually, life was quite easy at that time because then human life was not at the mercy of a clock. After industrial age as the trend of jobs started picking up, human beings became slaves of the watch.
Earlier life was easy but now it has become quite complicated. This is, actually, the basic cause of our problems. Earlier pace of life was quite slow but now it has increased. Now Internet has entered in to our lives which connects us to the whole world in just a blink of the eye. Now we have access to TV and just by switching it on we get to know everything that happens in the whole world. Now we have 4G mobile phones which enable us to communicate with anybody and do video calling also. The modern gadgets have changed the speed of our life. Perhaps modern inventions are also responsible for lack of time in our life. They have connected us to the outside world but they have distanced us from ourselves.
If you are serious about the maximum utilisation of your time, the best solution is to get rid of all the modern inventions and adopt the old life style. It will be more convenient for you. No, I am not suggesting that you cook food on an earthen stove nor I am asking you to walk from Mumbai to Delhi on foot. Rather I would suggest that we should reduce the use of these modern technologies and make effective use only. TV, Internet, mobile phone, chatting and unnecessary surfing on Internet etc., which often is responsible for wasting our precious time.
Earlier time didn’t get on our nerves and the simplest reason was that most of the people did not have a watch in those days. Earlier even the alarm clock was not needed. The crowing of the cock was enough to awake people up. At that time, there was no tension of catching metro rail or local train. At that time, it hardly matter whether people finished their work at 9 of 9.15 but today, it matters a lot.
So, before reading this book any further, please understand that lack of time is also a modern day malady like other life style related diseases namely diabetes, blood pressure (High/Low), cholesterol, and ailments of heart, etc. If you want a solution to this problem, you will have to change your life style.
Remember that the world will not change for you. It is you who has to change. If you change your life style and attitude, the equation of time will also change.
“The clock, not the steam engine, is the key machine of the modern industrial age.”
— Lewis Mumford
Q2. How much time do you actually have?
God has bestowed some with more beauty and some with less; some with more intellect and some with less. Some people have got more wealth and some have got less. But, the wonderful thing is that everyone has got the same amount of time, i.e. 24 hours a day.
Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number.
“A year from now you will wish you had started today.”
— Karen Lamb
Time is the only wealth which you can not deposit in the bank. Passing time is not in your control. It keeps on slipping from your hands with each movement of the hands of a clock. What remains in your hands is only how you utilise your time. If you utilise it well, the consequences would be equally good but if you misuse it, the consequences will be bad.
Actually, we don’t have much time at our disposal. The fact is that we have absolutely no control over a big chunk of our day time – 24 hours. We spend eight hours in sleeping and two hours in eating-drinking, getting ready and doing other daily routine activities. In this way, we have merely 14 hours in our hands. In other words, only 58% of our total time is in our control while 42% of our time is beyond our control. For the sake of convenience, we can assume that 40% of our time is beyond our control whereas, 60% of our time is under our control.
Time is valuable because it is the only thing in the world which is limited. If you lose your wealth, you can earn it again. If you lose your home, you can get it again. But if you lose your time, then you can not get it back. We have very less time and that too is limited. If we assume our life expectancy to be 80 years (in today’s world and thanks to current lifestyle, life expectancy has reduced from 100 to 80 years) then we have 29,200 days in all in our life. You may count how many days are left with you to achieve your goal in life. Find out the remaining days of your life with a simple method given below.
Total Days of Life = 29,200
The days spent (Your age X 365) = 

The remaining days = 

If we want to become something great, accomplish something big and achieve some significant goal, then it is necessary that we learn to make the best use of our time so that in this limited time that we have on earth, we may achieve everything we wish to achieve, be it wealth, fame, happiness or success.
“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.”
— Carl Sandburg
Q3. What is value of my time?
If we start exchanging our time with money, then will we be spending our time in similar fashion like we do now? I think
.we never.
Assume that your 1 hour cost is INR 500, and you have to exchange money in proportion to time you spend.
Will you still waste your time to watch any TV serial for 1 hour, if you realize that for this 1 hour, you are actually spending INR 500, not just one hour.
None of us would do same, if we think in same way
It is often said that time is money. But this saying is not completely true. The truth is that this wealth is only prospective wealth or potential wealth. If you utilise your time well, only then you may earn wealth. On the other hand, if you misuse your time, you may lose the prospect of earning money.
Do we all accurately know how much precious or valuable our time is? If not, then use the following formula to know it.
The value of your one hour = Your income/Your working hours
By dividing your income by your working hours, you will come to know the actual worth of your one hour at present. Assume that you can earn Rs 40,000 a month and for that you the worth of your one hour will be : Rs 200.
Monthly Salary = INR 40,000
Working Hours per day = 8
Working days in Month = 25
Value of 1 Hour = 40,000/(25*8) Coming to INR 200
According to the above mentioned example, If you are wasting 2 hours every day, it means you are losing Rs 73,000 per year. By practicing the same calculation, you will get to the revelation – your eyes must open.
  • Firstly, you will come to know how much financial loss you are facing; and you will not waste time anymore.
  • Secondly, you will get to realise whether value of your one hour is satisfactory or not. If it is not satisfactory, obviously you will have to find out other ways to increase its worth.
By using this formula just once, there will be a miraculous change in your life. You will become alert about the utilisation of your time. You will stop wasting it. You will start searching for ways to do more work in less time. All this will be possible only when you will realise how valuable each minute of your time is and how much financial loss is happening to you.
“The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.”
— C.S. Lewis
Why Time Management is Important
If you aren’t fully clear on why time management is important, you probably won’t have the motivation that is needed to change your ways. Below are the five reasons, why it’s important and beneficial to learn how to manage your time well.
1. Time Management Increases Your Productivity and Efficiency
Think about everything that you somehow get accomplished when a deadline is nearing. Now think about how much higher the quality of your work could be if you weren’t pushed to cut corners with a looming deadline. If you plan your time wisely, you won’t be rushing through it, but with smaller deadlines, you will still feel the motivation to...

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