Top Secret Files
eBook - ePub

Top Secret Files

The American Revolution, Spies, Secret Missions, and Hidden Facts From the American Revolution

Stephanie Bearce

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  1. 128 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Top Secret Files

The American Revolution, Spies, Secret Missions, and Hidden Facts From the American Revolution

Stephanie Bearce

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À propos de ce livre

George Washington had his own secret agents, hired pirates to fight the British, and helped Congress smuggle weapons, but you won't learn that in your history books! Learn the true stories of the American Revolution and how spies used musket balls, books, and laundry to send messages. Discover the female Paul Revere, solve a spy puzzle, and make your own disappearing ink. It's all part of the true stories from the Top Secret Files: The American Revolution. Take a look if you dare, but be careful! Some secrets are meant to stay hidden... Ages 9-12

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DOI: 10.4324/9781003239178-1

George Washington, Master Spy

DOI: 10.4324/9781003239178-2
Robert Dinwiddie needed a spy. He was the governor of the British Colony of Virginia, and in 1753, it was his responsibility to protect the king’s land from being taken over by the French. He had reports that the French were stirring up trouble out on the frontier. They were teaming up with Indians to raid and burn English settlers’ cabins. They were stealing British guns and ammunition. Governor Dinwiddie was afraid the French were gearing up for war. He needed a spy to find out exactly what was going on.
One volunteer showed up to apply for the job. It was George Washington. At that time, he was not quite 21 years old and had already been given the rank of major in the Virginia militia. It was an amazingly high rank for someone so young, but Washington was an amazing man.
At 6 feet 3 inches tall, he towered over the other men of his day. The average height of a man in 1776 was 5 feet 8 inches, so Washington was 7 inches taller than most of his soldiers. Add that to the fact that he had bright red hair, and Washington stood out in a crowd. That’s not what made him special or a good candidate for a spy, though.
It was Washington’s experience and knowledge of the countryside that was so important. From the time he was 16, he had studied and worked as a land surveyor. He was an expert at making and reading maps. He spent weeks living in the wild while he surveyed the country, and he knew how to defend himself. In addition, he had a talent for understanding people and convincing them to do what he wanted. That was an excellent skill set for a spy.
At 6 feet 3 inches tall, he towered over the other men of his day. The average height of a man in 1776 was 5 feet 8 inches, so Washington was 7 inches taller than most of his soldiers.
Governor Dinwiddie immediately put Washington to work. Dinwiddie had an official letter for Washington to deliver to the French on the frontier, demanding that the French immediately vacate all lands.
Neither Washington nor the governor thought that the French would actually comply with the letter, but it would give Washington an official reason for being in the territory, and he could see if the French were planning to go to war with the British.
Washington had the information he needed. He immediately led his group bach to Virginia and Governor Dinwiddie. The governor was thrilled with all of the information Washington brought bach.
Before Washington set out for the frontier, he put together his own team of helpers, or operatives. He hired Christopher Gist as a guide. Gist knew the frontier well and could speak several native languages, so he would be Washington’s interpreter for the Indians. Washington hired his longtime friend Jacob Van Braam (a sword master and mercenary who trained a teenage Washington) to be the French interpreter, and he hired four experienced traders who were friendly with the Indian populations.
The party set out for Ohio territory, not knowing for certain where they would find the French military or how many soldiers were there. They traveled through heavy rains, snow, and flooded rivers through the Allegheny Mountains to a settlement where Pittsburgh is now located. There they met a Seneca Indian chief who disliked the French and was quite willing to tell Washington and his party everything he knew about their troops and military.
After spending time in the village, some of the Seneca men led Washington to a house that had belonged to an English trader, but had been taken over by the French. Washington and his men rode up and started a friendly conversation with the French men, who were happy to meet the travelers. They eventually invited Washington’s party to supper.
During the evening, the French soldiers brought out their wine and kept pouring more and more drinks until they were quite drunk. Washington just took tiny sips of his wine and refused any more so he stayed sober and alert.
Washington got the men talking about their plans. They told him that the French did indeed plan to take over the Ohio territory and had already built four forts that housed 150 soldiers each. Washington told them about the letter he carried
Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier
The old saying once a soldier, always a soldier” was certainly true for George Washington. He is the only sitting president known to have actually led troops into battle. During the Whishey Rebellion of 1794, Washington personally traveled to Western Pennsylvania to take charge of the army and put down the protest.
telling them to vacate the land, and the soldiers just laughed. They said if the British wanted the land, they could try to come and take it.
The next morning, as Washington left, he noticed a large number of canoes. He quietly counted 50 birch bark and 170 pine canoes, with several more still to be carved out. Washington was sure that the French were planning to send their soldiers out to attack any British who were in the territory.
Washington had the information he needed. He immediately led his group back to Virginia and Governor Dinwiddie. The governor was thrilled with all of the information Washington brought back. He ordered Washington to write a full report to King George II. Washington used notes from his journal to write a 7,400-word report that was published in London. The report made Washington famous in England as well as in the colonies. It helped convince England to fight France for control of the territory and was the start of the French and Indian War.
The skills Washington learned during his time as a spy would come in handy when the colonies decided to strike out on their own and fight the war for independence from Britain. The next time, Washington would be managing the spies in a fight for the new country of America.
Map of Mount Vernon, residence of George Washing, made by himself, 1793

The Boston Tea Party

DOI: 10.4324/9781003239178-3
The people of the American colonies were fed up with King George III and his ever-increasing tax demands.
The cold December wind whistled through the bare tree branches and a few stars poked through the dark sky. Whooping war chants filled the air while 200 men gathered by the Boston Harbor. It was t...

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