Who's Who of the Bible
eBook - ePub

Who's Who of the Bible

Everything you need to know about everyone named in the Bible

Martin H. Manser, Debra Reid

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  1. 304 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Who's Who of the Bible

Everything you need to know about everyone named in the Bible

Martin H. Manser, Debra Reid

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Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

The Bible contains over three thousand names - all of which are included in this exhaustive Who's Who of the Bible. Every single individual whose name is listed in the Bible is listed here in order of their appearance in the Bible with their dates, a concise description of their lives and significance, and references to where they occur in the text. With sections on the Pentateuch, the History books, Poetry and Wisdom books, the Prophets, the Gospels and Acts, and the Letters and Revelation, this book also includes a user's guide, family trees of key individuals, a timeline, an alphabetical list of names, and an Appendix on the Apocrypha. Putting all the information on the Bible's rich cast of characters at your finger tips, this is an essential guide for any preacher, teacher, biblical scholar, student, or Bible reader.

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Lion Books

1 The Pentateuch

The Pentateuch is the name given to the first five books of the Old Testament of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). These books are collectively called ‘The books of the Law’ or ‘The Torah’ or ‘The Books of Moses’. They begin with the act of creation and then trace the earliest beginnings of the Israelite nation until the death of Moses. Abraham and his descendants are introduced as the fathers of this nation. The Israelite people face oppression in Egypt, and Moses leads them from Egypt, into the wilderness, travelling towards the Promised Land of Canaan. First, however, the God of Abraham appears to Moses and reveals his love and purposes for the Israelite people – expressed in terms of a covenant commitment (a binding agreement) to them. The people are called to respond with love and loyalty to God. In the uncertain years before entering Canaan, God’s people begin to regulate their community and religious life in the light of this covenant.
Because of the impossibility of establishing precise dates for Genesis 1–11, the dates from Adam to Terah have been given in years AM (Anno Mundi: from the creation of the earth). The ages that are given in Genesis have been taken at face value.
(0–930 AM)
The first man in the Bible, created by God, made in the image of God and described as ‘the son of God’. His name sounds like the Hebrew word for ‘ground’ and points to the origin of man whom God forms ‘from the dust of the ground’ (2:7). Adam lived in the Garden of Eden where Eve became his ‘helper’. He was the father of Cain, Abel and Seth and other unnamed sons and daughters. He lived for 930 years. Adam is also a generic term for the human race. In the light of Adam’s involvement in the first sin of human beings against God (the Fall, Genesis 3), his name is used in the New Testament to refer to human rebellion against God, so contrasting with Jesus Christ, ‘the new Adam’. Luke’s genealogy of Jesus begins with Adam. Paul explains the different roles of men and women in the church by referring back to Adam and Eve.
(2:20; 3:17, 20–21; 4:1, 25; 5:3–5; 1 Chronicles 1:1; Hosea 6:7; Luke 3:38; Romans 5:12–14; 1 Corinthians 11:8–9; 15:22, 45; 1 Timothy 2:13–14; Jude 14)
(0–? AM)
The first woman in the Bible – the helper and then wife of Adam, formed from Adam’s rib. Mother of Cain, Abel and Seth and other sons and daughters. Her name means ‘living’ and the Bible describes her as ‘mother of all the living’. In Genesis 3, Eve succumbs first to the serpent’s temptation and then encourages her husband to succumb to temptation too.
(2:20–25; 3:1–21; 4:1–2, 25; 2 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Timothy 2:13–14)
(?C1st AM)
Eldest son of Adam and Eve. Father of Enoch[1]. Grandfather of Irad. A farmer. He was the first murderer (he killed his brother Abel) and following this his life was unsettled although God protected him.
(4:1–17, 24–25; Hebrews 11:4; 1 John 3:12; Jude 11)
(?C1st AM)
Second son of Adam and Eve. A shepherd who brought the best of his flocks to God as an offering. Murdered by his brother but in Hebrews he is commended for his righteousness and faith.
(4:2–10, 25; Matthew 23:35; Luke 11:51; Hebrews 11:4; 12:24)
The existence of God is assumed, not argued, in the Bible. God is the Creator and Redeemer of the world. He reveals himself to people in Scripture and supremely in Jesus Christ. The Bib...

Table des matiĂšres