From Painfully Awkward To Socially Successful
eBook - ePub
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From Painfully Awkward To Socially Successful

How You Can Talk To Anyone Effortlessly, Communicate On A Personal Level, & Build Successful Relationships

John S. Lawson

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  2. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
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eBook - ePub
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From Painfully Awkward To Socially Successful

How You Can Talk To Anyone Effortlessly, Communicate On A Personal Level, & Build Successful Relationships

John S. Lawson

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À propos de ce livre

Discover How You Can Talk To Anyone With Ease, Develop Critical Social Skills, Build Effective Communication, Master Key Conversation Tactics, And Remove Social Anxiety From Your Life Once And For All

Are you having problems communicating and connectingwith people around you including your friends and family? Are you socially awkward in interactions with othersand just wish that your social anxiety would leave you alone forever? Or are you feeling depressed because of the lack of social skills in your arsenal that is causing these unnecessary stresses in your life?

What if I told you that there was a way you could overcome that barrier that has been holding you back for way too long and lead a life that you truly deserve? A life that is free of social awkwardness. A life that lets you to connect with other human beings on a personal level as you were always meant to. A life were interactions are not fearful obstacles but treasuredmoments for building relationships.

How To Talk To Anyone

In ' From PainfullyAwkward To Socially Successful ' you will find the exactskills you need to break out of your shell and speak to others with confidence and a level of command that you never thought you had in you. Not only will you build quick rapport with the desired effect, you will also be able to leave a lasting impression on a person without having to try very hard at all. Imagine yourself being a master conversationalist. All you need is the right strategies.

Heres What You Will Learn In 'From Painfully Awkward To Socially Successful'

  • How To Become An Excellent Conversationalist
  • Be Able To Build Successful And MeaningfulRelationships With Others
  • How To Overcome Social Anxiety And Awkwardness
  • How To Approach People At Any Timeand Strike A Conversation In Any Environment
  • Simple Strategies To Help You Communicate With Someone On A Personal Level
  • Network Effectively With Peers
  • Leave A Lasting First Impression On Others

And Much Much More....


  • Understand How The Effects Of The Digital AgeHas Set Us Up To Be Less Socailly Affluent
  • Understand Why It Is Not Your Fault At All

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To Your Success! - John. Lawson

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