Standing Upright
eBook - ePub
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Standing Upright

Proven 30 Day Solution - Pain-Free Back Shoulder Relief - All-Natural Therapy, Medication-Free

Gregg Haven M.D.

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eBook - ePub
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Standing Upright

Proven 30 Day Solution - Pain-Free Back Shoulder Relief - All-Natural Therapy, Medication-Free

Gregg Haven M.D.

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À propos de ce livre

Reduce Chronic Back, Neck, &ShoulderPain, And Regain Mobility AndStrength With STANDING UPRIGHT Today!

An estimated 10% of the population experiences chronic back, neck or shoulder pain at least once in their life. Of that percentage, very few receive effective care that helpsto fully eliminate the pain. More often than not, theyare givenvague answers and medications that aid the symptoms rather than healing the ailment.

If you are one of the 10%who suffers from back pain and looking for answers, know that you are not alone. There are many solutions available to you, and this book is full of alternative therapies and options for you to consider.

You can feel confident that this book will help you experience relief from your pain in as little as 30 days, and will help get you on track for healing and eliminating your pain entirely. As a result, you can get back to feeling like yourself again, and lead a highquality-of-life that we all desire. You will no longer feel held back or hostage to your pain, as you will be able to eliminate it and regain full control over your life again.

In" STANDING UPRIGHT " You Will Learn:

  • Living With Chronic Pain
  • Causes of Back Pain
  • TMS In The Mind and Body
  • How Proper Posture Is Crucial For Maintenance
  • Proven Treatment Methods
  • Diagnosing Pain
  • Exercises To Alleviate Symptoms
  • What Happens In Case of Emergency

And so much more...

With " Standing Upright: The Proven 30 Day Solution to Neck, Back and Shoulder Pain " you can take controlofyourownhealth and eliminate your chronic back, neck, or shoulder pain. This book will help you with everything from identifying the cause of your pain to understanding how a proper solution is chosen, and then executing the solution. You will find alternative therapies, exercises you can try, and what to do in case you ever experience an emergency situation related to your pain.

It is time to take back the control over this debilitating condition and start working towards a life full of abundance and joy starting from this second onwards.

Pick up your copy of the bookright now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

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Table des matiĂšres