The Old Testament Tithing VS The New Testament Giving
eBook - ePub

The Old Testament Tithing VS The New Testament Giving

Rupert Lothian

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eBook - ePub

The Old Testament Tithing VS The New Testament Giving

Rupert Lothian

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À propos de ce livre

This book is about the teaching of tithes and it storehouse, from I come to the Knowledge I have been searching for the storehouse in Malachi 3: 10. Since I was 17 years old. And I am 65 and still can’t find it. The reason I can’t find it because I am a Gentile save by grace. And Malachi was given to the nation of Israel. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Mal 3: 9 (KJV). The Gentile had not the Law.

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Copyright © 2020 by Rupert Lothian
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2019917606
ISBN: Softcover 978-1-64376-553-2
eBook 978-1-64376-552-5
Republished by: PageTurner, Press and Media LLC
Publication Date: 03/26/2020
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About The Author
Bishop Rupert George Lothian was born in1953 in Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. He was called by God through the inspiration of his Father, Pastor, and had his second birth (according to Acts 2:38) in August 1962. At the tender age of 9, he preached his first message in a place called Spicy Hill, in the parish of Trelawney. After migrating to Canada, he met his wife, and got married on November 29, 1975. He lived there for 35 years with his wife, Hyacinth, and three children: Novelette, O’Conner, and Elysia. Elder Lothian served as Superintendent of the Sunday School Ministry at Bethel Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada for over 25 years. This is Bishop Lothian’s first book. While he does not consider himself to be an author, he is not a novice to the Word, having preached the gospel of Jesus Christ for over thirty-nine years now. During these years of service to the Lord, he has witnessed aspects of the ministry that weigh heavily on his heart and mind. He struggles with what he calls “Ministerial Misfits” men and women who are trying to be pastors, but were never called to be such in the ministry. Therefore, they are living out of the will of God in a leadership role. As a Christian worker under the steady leadership of a pastor, these men and women serving as second in command would make a tremendous impact. They could live fruitful lives helping other as mates, but not in a leadership position. However, as captains of the ship, or pastors, they sometimes create havoc in the ministry.
This book is dedicated to my Late Mother and Father who give me the love for the word of God, and the desire to understand sound doctrine? It was and is my dream to let you know what I know about the love of God, the one who came in the flesh, Jesus Christ himself. And die for us. And to my loving wife Hyacinth and our three Children, two girls and one boy, my only son, O’Conner, Novelette, and Elysia. Living he loves me, dying, He saves me, berried He carry my sin far away, rising, he justified, freed forever some glorious day.
The Law of Tithing
How much should the Christian give? When should he give? Where should he give? Is the local church, God’s storehouse? Is tithing required for this dispensation? These are some of the questions which I propose to answer. As we study the Bible, we find that the law of the tithe was given exclusively to the children of Israel to give and Levi to receive. (Mal 3:9; Num 18:21). We must always be careful when we study God’s Word to find out who is speaking, who is being spoken to, and what is being spoken about. The reason why so many people don’t understand their Bibles is that they’ve never learned how to “Rightly divide the word of truth” see (2 Timothy 2:15) God divides the whole human race into three distinct groups the Jews, the Gentiles, and the Church of God. Believers may be chastened of the Lord, but will not be condemned with the world. By their union with Christ through faith, they are thus secured. What is the principle of their walk; the flesh or the Spirit, the old or the new nature, corruption or grace? For which of these do we make provision, by which we are governed? The unrenowned will is unable to keep any commandment fully. And the law, besides outward duties, requires inward obedience. God showed abhorrence of sin by the sufferings of his Son in the flesh, that the believing person might be pardoned and justified. Thus, satisfaction was made by Divine justice, and the way of salvation opened for the sinner. By the Spirit the law of love is written upon the heart, and though the righteousness of the law is not fulfilled by us, yet, blessed be God, it is fulfilled in us; there is that in all true believers, which answers the intention of the law. The favour of God, the welfare of the soul, the concerns of eternity, are the things of the Spirit, which those that are after the Spirit do mind. Which way do our thoughts move with most pleasure? the priesthood and law by which perfection could not come, are done away; a Priest is risen, and a dispensation now set up, by which true believers may be made perfect. That there is such a change is plain. The law which made the Levitical priesthood, showed that the priests were frail, dying creatures, not able to save their own lives, much less could they save the souls of those who came to them.
But the High Priest of our profession holds his office by the power of endless life in himself; not only to keep himself alive, but to give spiritual and eternal life to all who rely upon his sacrifice and intercession. The better covenant, of which Jesus was the Surety, is not here contrasted with the covenant of works, by which every transgressor is shut up under the curse. It is distinguished from the Sinai covenant with Israel, and the legal dispensation under which the church so long remained. The better covenant brought the church and every believer into clearer light, more perfect liberty, and more abundant privileges. In the order of Aaron there was a multitude of priests, of high priests one after another; but in the priesthood of Christ there is only one and the same. This is the believer’s safety and happiness, that this everlasting High Priest is able to save to the uttermost, in all times, in all cases. Surely then it becomes us to desire a spirituality and holiness, as much beyond those of the Old Testament believers, as our advantages exceed theirs.
The Old Testament Tithing VS the New Testament Giving
And the way of salvation opened for the sinner. By the Spirit the law of love is written upon the heart, and though the righteousness of the law is not fulfilled by us, yet, blessed be God, it is fulfilled in us; There is that in all true believers, which answers the intention of the law. The favour of God, the welfare of the soul, the concerns of eternity, is the things of the Spirit, which those that are after the Spirit do mind. Which way do our thoughts move with most pleasure? Which way go our plans and contrivances? Are we most wise for the world, or for our souls? Those that live in pleasure are dead, (1Tim 5:6) a sanctified soul is a living soul; and that life is peace. The carnal mind is not only an enemy to God, but enmity itself. The carnal man may, by the power of Divine grace, be made subject to the law of God, but the carnal mind never can; that must be broken and driven out. We may know our real state and character by inquiring whether we have the Spirit of God and of Christ, or not, ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit. Having the Spirit of Christ, means having a turn of mind in some degree like the mind that was in Christ Jesus, and is to be shown by a life and conversation suitable to his precepts and example Notice: “Give none offense, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the Church of God” (1 Cor. 10:32)
Table of Contents
About The Author iii
Dedication ..v
Preface vii
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The tithe was given to the Tribe of Levi ..5
Chapter 3
To fulfill the Covenant ..8
Chapter 4
We Are Not Under Law, But Under Grace 10
Chapter 5
Is the Church the storehouse? 13
Chapter 6
Jesus and Tithing 15
Chapter 7
Tithing Is Good If it is free will 17
Chapter 8
Proving God 19
Chapter 9
Christian giving Should Be Done Secretly 21
Chapter 10
Christian Giving Is a Personal Matter 24
Chapter 11
Christian Giving Should Be Voluntary 25
Chapter 12
Christian Giving Should Be Voluntary 31
Chapter 13
Jesus never teaches, tithing 34
Chapter 14
Where Should We Give? 37
Chapter 15
Storehouse Tithing 38
Chapter 16
Why do we frustrate the Grace of God? 40
Chapter 17
The Purpose of the Law 42
Chapter 18
The Purpose of the Law 43
Chapter 19
The works of the Law 44
Chapter 20
Tithes of divine service 47
Chapter 1
The Israelites are those who are descended from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the twelve tribes of Israel. All the other nations of the world are the Gentiles, the second-mentioned class. Then there is the Church, which is that group of believers, Both Jews and Gentiles, who by personal faith have received the Lord Jesus Christ and have been born from above. The Jews are the only ones who were ever commanded to pay tithes. Notice: “And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, the tenth shall be holy unto the LORD” (Lev. 27:30-32) “... behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance, for their service Which they serve, even the service of the tabernacle of the congregation. Neither must the children of Israel henceforth come nigh the tabernacle of the congregation, lest they bear sin, and die. But the Levites shall do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation, and they shall bear their iniquity: it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations, that among the children of Israel they have no inheritance. The tithes of the children of Israel, which they offer as a heave-offering unto the LORD, I have given to the Levites to inherit:
Therefore, I have said unto them, among the children of Israel, they shall have no Inheritance” (Numbers 18:21-24) It’s plain to see from these Scriptures that tithing was distinctly A COMMAND TO ISREAL AND ISREAL ALONE. The Jews were to take one-tenth of all their flocks and...

Table des matiĂšres