Sea Isle City
eBook - ePub

Sea Isle City

Michael F. Stafford

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  1. 128 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Sea Isle City

Michael F. Stafford

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À propos de ce livre

Take a fascinating journey through the history of Sea Isle City, New Jersey with more than 200 vintage photographs and anecdotes from the locals who experienced it.

The founder of Sea Isle City, Charles K. Landis, was a man of action. He had a dream of what the ideal seashore resort should be. In the 1870s, his dream began to take shape.

It has been said, Each age is a dream that is dying or a dream that is coming to life. This is the fascinating story of how Sea Isle City, located along the New Jersey coast in Cape May County, evolved. Sea Isle City is a pictorial tour of the founding and early history of this resort by the sea. Almost overnight the island town became accessible by railroad and by turnpike. Hotels and cottages appeared throughout the island. The Braca, Busch, Cronecker, Dever, Kehner, Pfieffer, and Rey families played a vital role in the growth of the town. Another family, the Hafferts, formed the Garden State Publishing Company, which contributed significantly to employment and economic stability. Commercial fishing became an important industry in the development of the town with the coming of the Hatmen at the beginning of the twentieth century. The influential people who shaped the community and countless other families, schoolchildren, and local legends are finally brought together in Sea Isle City.

Author Michael F. Stafford, president of the Sea Isle City Historical Society, has lived his life in and around Sea Isle City. He is active in community affairs throughout Cape May County and has contributed numerous articles to South Jersey magazines.

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Charles K. Landis led the way in putting Sea Isle City on the map. He did this through his clear vision, his ingenuity, and his fortitude. For all of this he is to be commended.
Sea Isle City is made up of a diverse group of individuals, each of whom, in their own way, has contributed much toward the growth of the resort. It is this very diversity that has proven to be the prime ingredient essential to the town’s growth. When one considers that little more than a century ago Ludlam’s Island was practically barren, it is amazing to see how the resort has evolved so rapidly.
It took people from all walks of life and all ages working together to bring about this transition from cattle-grazing land into the fine resort that tourists flock to today.
Who were the individuals who worked together in developing the resort? Some were businesspeople who recognized an opportunity and put much on the line financially. They invested in land purchase and development, providing some of the finest homes, hotels, restaurants, and other attractions along the New Jersey coast. Then there were others who developed the commercial fishing industry and still others moving forward in the publishing business. Add to them those leaders who surfaced early and often to provide direction for the resort as it faced new and varying challenges through the years. An additional ingredient that has led to the town’s success is the work force that forms the backbone of the city.
As important as all of the above have been in Sea Isle City’s development, one final factor must be considered: the chemistry that unifies the diverse groups and individuals who have always blended together to shape the community.
The athletic field from 59th Street to 63rd Street and Central Avenue is named in honor of Dr. Frank Dealy, who served the community for many years. He was also the founder of the Surf Hospital (later Mercy Hospital), located between 58th and 59th Street on Landis Avenue. This photograph dates from c. the 1950s.
Aurora Fehrle was the driving force behind the movement that provided young people with a wonderful playground. Following the acceptance of her idea and a successful fund-raising effort, the whole community banded together to construct this spot for children to play. Called Play by the Bay, it was opened in 1992 on one section of Dealy Field.
Tennis courts on Kennedy Boulevard? Yes, but long before 41st Street was renamed. This c. 1900 view shows 41st Street from Pleasure Avenue, looking west. Beyond the tennis courts, the old train station is in view. Notice the train tracks on Pleasure Avenue.
This c. 1920 photograph, undoubtedly taken in the old Excursion House, captures the Sea Isle City girls’ basketball team. These young women look ready for action.
In this 1948 photograph, Joe Pessalano, center, poses with his team. In addition to winter basketball, residents also went offshore to Magnolia Lake, where ice-skating was popular. Back then, the young people had to use their imagination to find interesting activities to pursue.
Al Wagner, on the left in the second row, stands proudly with his Boy Scout troop in this early-1960s photograph. A World War II veteran, Wagner has always been active in the community, making life better for the young people.
Shown here is the World War II Honor R...

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