On Liking the Other
eBook - ePub

On Liking the Other

Queer Subjects and Religious Discourses

Kevin J. Burke, Adam J. Greteman

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  1. 185 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

On Liking the Other

Queer Subjects and Religious Discourses

Kevin J. Burke, Adam J. Greteman

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À propos de ce livre

A 2022 SPE Outstanding Book Award Winner On Liking the Other: Queer Subjects and Religious Discourses studies the intersection of religious and queer discourses in teacher education. It looks at the sometimes difficult topics rooted in these two particular discourses, which are often seen as unwelcome in both public and private educational spaces. In engaging in such a conversation, the authors seek the ways that these discourses, while steeped in discontent, dilemma, and difficulty, might also offer ways to reorient ourselves amidst twenty-first century educational realities. More to the point, the text puts queer histories and logics into conversations with theologies through the concept of liking. Eschewing the typical antagonism that often defines the relationships between religious and queer discourses, this book looks for resonances and overlaps that might provide new habits for conducting the work of meeting in teacher education classrooms and educational worlds. It is an excellent text for a variety of classrooms and courses. On Liking the Other is structured in three sections, with each section divided into two chapters. Within each section, the authors explore an overarching theme through their distinct, albeit related, perspectives. This is to allow each perspective to be given its due, while also drawing on the knowledge of one another at particular junctures. Like a conversation in person, this recognizes the ways conversations (as opposed to monologues) happen and, in doing so, helps to add clarification and additional details. Kevin J. Burke is a curriculum theorist whose scholarship operates at the intersection of religion, masculinities, and English education. Adam J. Greteman is a philosopher of education whose scholarship operates at the intersection of queer theories, sexualities, and Art education. Both authors are deeply invested in the work of Teacher Education, particularly in thinking through the conundrums of engaging pre-service teachers who bring to Teacher Education classrooms and eventually their own classrooms their religious, gendered, and sexual subjectivities. The conversations here, attempting to orient ourselves differently, are meant to open up space for complicated conversations that are foundational to the work of curriculum. Perfect for courses such as: Queer Theory in Education | Multicultural Education | Critical Educational Foundations | Human Diversity, Power and Opportunity in Social Institutions | Diversity in Education | Diversity and Inclusive Teaching | Multicultural and Equity Studies in Education

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